Journal #3: Food insecurity

Food insecurity

For the 157SL journals, you’ll reflect on (a) the 157SL course materials, i.e. readings, documentaries, class activities; and (b) your site experience, i.e. what you do, observe, experience, and learn during your community service.


In general, all journal entries for 157SL must be:


A minimum of 550 words and a maximum of 750 words. Calculate and list your word count at the top of the page. Do not include the prompt in your word count.

Complete. Your journal on Food insecurity entry must sufficiently address the prompt and/or the assignment requirements. It should present a sufficiently developed argument using the required resources.

Clear. You should present an argument that logically progresses from one point to the next. Your claims should be well supported with good/strong evidence from proper sources.

Correct. Your journal on Food insecurity entry should be accurate. It should be free of errors, whether in reasoning, grammar, typography, etc.

Compelling. To receive a grade of “excellent,” your journal entry should go beyond simply “checking off the boxes” to present arguments, insights, and/or reflections that are thought-provoking and reflective. Ideally you should demonstrate a deep and/or novel understanding of the material.


This week’s PROMPT on food insecurity:


Go to the interactive map on the USDA SNAP Community Characteristics page at: 


 Click on California, then click on the information pertaining to your congressional district, i.e. the congressional district in which you live. (Side note: if you don’t know what your congressional district is, you can look it up at:


In your journal, write your congressional district number followed by the total number of households that are receiving SNAP in your congressional district as of January 2018. Then, carefully review the other information available to you on this page/site and reflect on what else you learned about households receiving SNAP benefits in your district. What is notable to you? Surprising? Confounding? Focus on interpreting this information and what it signifies.



2. How does this week’s material on food insecurity (including the readings from our  Quiz-readings Food insecurity, A Place At The Table documentary,fit into the big picture of what you have been learning in 157SL? Make reference to our course materials (readings, documentaries, class discussions, guest lectures, etc.) but do not include any quotes. Put everything in your own words. 



3. Finally, choose one of the following prompts to conclude your journal entry with: (a) Have you or people close to you ever struggled to put food on the table? How do/did you/they deal with that? Where did you/they turn for help? OR go to (scroll down to see “Who goes hungry”) and select the hunger type most closely related to your service site’s demographic, i.e. the clientele served by your site. What did you discover? How is your site is addressing any of these challenges?


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