IT Strategic Plan, Part 2

IT Strategic Plan, Part 2
Using the case provided, build on Part 1 of your IT Strategic Plan, and develop Part 2. Develop IT strategies to align to the business strategies, complete a roadmap
of the current IT projects, propose a new IT project to support the IT strategies, identify risks associated with the IT projects, and explain the steps required to
develop a business continuity plan for the most important IT systems. Your analysis will be presented in a short paper that follows the outline provided, using
Microsoft Word, or in a format that can be read using MS Word.
IT Strategic Plan, Part 1
Before you begin this assignment, be sure you have read the “Wobbly Wheels Case Study” and the following chapters in the textbook: Chapters 8, 9, 12 and 14 (as
assigned in class).
Purpose of this Assignment
This assignment gives you the opportunity to apply the course concepts to begin development of an Information Technology Strategic Plan (ITSP) to support the strategic
direction of Wobbly Wheels Distribution Company (WW). This assignment specifically addresses the following course outcomes to enable you to:
? identify, define, and explain the concepts of information technology governance and management
IT Strategic Plan for Wobbly Wheels Distribution Company
Carol, the new CIO at WW, has asked you to write an IT Strategic Plan that she can use to guide the direction for her organization. The ITSP will be developed in two
parts. This assignment covers Part 1; Part 2 will be covered in the next class assignment. Together, they will form an ITSP that has been tailored to the course
material covered in this class. You may work for an organization that has an ITSP, and it would be a good idea for you to take a look at it, but it will likely be
structured a little differently from this one. Each organization develops an ITSP that will work for them.
You will develop Part 1 of the ITSP for Wobbly Wheels, using the outline below. Each of the topics to be included in your outline is covered in the textbook readings
assigned thus far; use the Index to locate specific relevant portions of the text, and to locate additional ideas that may be included in chapters not yet assigned. In
addition to the course materials, at least one external resource (resource other than those provided in the class) must be used. A separate References page should be
included. Remember to use the APA formatting rules and correctly cite and reference your sources with APA format. Use the Grading Rubric to be sure you have covered
everything. Submit your paper as a Microsoft Word document, or a document that can be read using Word, with your last name included in the filename.
Please use this outline to build your IT Strategic Plan. Use the numbering and headings shown below.
Part One
1. Business Statement – Summarize in one paragraph the business of WW. Refer to Case Study.
2. Business Strategic Objectives – From the information in the Case Study, list the three strategic objectives. Next add a new strategic objective of your own – one
that you consider important to the current and future health of WW’s business. It should be a statement of how the management team would improve the business of WW.
3. IT Vision and Mission Statement – Write one paragraph with a vision and mission statement for the Information Technology Department at WW. Use what you learn from
the case study to create your own idea for the vision statement; and use the case study situation at WW to write the mission statement for the IT department. Refer to
Chapter 9, Step 2 “Define Your Future Vision.” If you need help on a mission statement, do a little research on the web; you will find many examples of IT mission
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4. Governance – Using the textbook and the case study, describe in two or three paragraphs how the IT governance process should work for WW. Carol wants to engage the
other senior leaders, so include: who the participants are, what their roles are (why they are members of the governance body), what governance methodology should be
established, what responsibilities the governance body would have, and how they would prioritize IT projects. Refer to the Table of Contents for the textbook, and look
in the Index under G – Governance for multiple resources in the textbook.
5. Inventory of Current IT Projects – Using the information in the Case Study, you will use the table provided to describe the current systems in use and the IT
resources allocated to their support. Copy and complete the table below, creating additional rows as needed to cover all current systems at WW, then write a brief
introductory paragraph to the table. The paragraph should come first in your ITSP, to explain what the table is providing. Refer to the Index of the textbook, I – IT
Portfolio Management/Inventory of Projects.
Current System
Strategic Goal aligned to
Business unit/
Business Benefits
IT Resources (people, equipment)
The “right” and “wrong” answers have to do with whether or not you correctly incorporated the course concepts from the textbook and addressed all parts of the
assignment. You need to do some external research on at least one aspect of the assignment – your choice – and incorporate it and cite/reference it in APA format in
your response. The content of the mission and vision statements you create is not as important as that it makes sense in light of the course content and the Case
Study. Use the Rubric below to be sure you have covered all aspects of the assignment.
GRADING RUBRIC: Criterion 90-100% Far Above Standards 80-89% Above Standards 70-79% Meets Standards 60-69% Below Standards < 60% Well Below Standards Possible Points
Business Statement
5 Points
The summary description of the business in the Case Study is complete, clear and concise and sets the stage for the remainder of the ITSP; demonstrates understanding
of course concepts, analysis and
4 Points
The summary description of the business in the Case Study is clear and concise and sets the stage for the remainder of the ITSP.
3.5 Points
A summary description of the business in the Case Study is provided.
3 Points
The summary description of the business in the Case Study is unclear, not concise, and/or does not set the stage for the remainder of the ITSP.
0-2 Points
Little or no summary description of the business in the Case Study is included.
3/28/2014 3
Criterion 90-100% Far Above Standards 80-89% Above Standards 70-79% Meets Standards 60-69% Below Standards < 60% Well Below Standards Possible Points
critical thinking.
Business Strategic Objectives
9-10 Points
Three business strategic objectives are listed and fully stated. One new objective, highly relevant to the Case Study, is listed, also fully stated, and clearly
relates to how the management team will improve the business; work demonstrates understanding of course concepts, analysis and critical thinking.
8 Points
Three business strategic objectives are listed and are fully stated. One new objective, relevant to the Case Study, is listed; it clearly relates to how the management
team will improve the business.
7 Points
Three business strategic objectives from the Case Study are listed. One new objective, relevant to the Case Study, is listed; it relates to how the management team
will improve the business.
6 Points
Fewer than 3 business strategic objectives are listed or they are not drawn from the Case Study; the new strategic objective is not relevant to the Case Study; and/or
new strategic objective does not relate to how the management team will improve the business.
0-5 Points
Few or no business strategic objectives are listed; a new objective is not added; and/or objectives are not related to the Case Study.
IT Vision and Mission Statement
18-20 Points
IT Vision and Mission Statements are clearly written and highly relevant to the Case Study; and demonstrate strong understanding of course concepts, analysis and
critical thinking.
16-17 Points
IT Vision and Mission Statements are clearly written and relevant to the Case Study; demonstrate understanding of course concepts, analysis and critical thinking.
14-15 Points
IT Vision and Mission Statements are both included and are relevant to the Case Study.
12-13 Points
IT Vision and Mission Statement do not cover both vision and mission, are not relevant to the Case Study, or are lacking in demonstration of understanding of course
concepts, analysis and/or critical thinking.
0-11 Points
One or both of the IT Vision and Mission Statements are not included, and/or do not relate to the Case Study; and/or are poorly written and do not convey the
23-25 Points
The Governance Section presents a well–supported and
20-22 Points
The Governance Section presents a
18-19 Points
The Governance Section addresses how the CIO will
15-17 Points
Governance section does not include all required content
0-14 Points
Little or none of the required information is presented in
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Criterion 90-100% Far Above Standards 80-89% Above Standards 70-79% Meets Standards 60-69% Below Standards < 60% Well Below Standards Possible Points
convincing explanation of a governance process for the business in the Case Study that engages other senior leaders in the organization. This section includes a
thorough discussion of: participants, roles of participants, what governance methodology should be established, responsibilities of the governance body, and the
prioritization process for IT projects; is highly applicable to and appropriate for the Case Study; and demonstrates understanding of course concepts, analysis and
critical thinking.
good explanation of a governance process for the business in the Case Study that engages other senior leaders in the organization. This section includes a clear
discussion of: participants, roles of participants, what governance methodology should be established, responsibilities of the governance body, and the prioritization
process for IT projects; and is clearly applicable to and appropriate for the Case Study.
engage the other senior leaders, and includes: who the participants are, what their roles are (why they are members of the governance body), what governance
methodology should be established, what responsibilities the governance body would have, and how they would prioritize IT projects.
(participants, roles, methodology, responsibilities, and prioritization process for IT projects); is not applicable to or appropriate for the Case Study.
the Governance section; and/or it is not relevant to the Case Study.
Inventory of Current IT Projects
18-20 Points
This section includes an effective and well-written introductory
16-17 Points
This section includes an appropriate introductory paragraph
14-15 Points
This section includes an introductory paragraph that applies to the
12-13 Points
This section is somewhat incomplete (lacking in introduction or
0-11 Points
Little or no information is provided on the Inventory of Current IT
3/28/2014 5
Criterion 90-100% Far Above Standards 80-89% Above Standards 70-79% Meets Standards 60-69% Below Standards < 60% Well Below Standards Possible Points
paragraph that is applicable to the Case Study and the table that follows. The completed table contains all required information accurately extracted from the Case
Study; demonstrates thorough understanding of course concepts, analysis and critical thinking.
that is applicable to the Case Study and the table that follows. The completed table contains all required information accurately extracted from the Case Study;
demonstrates understanding of course concepts, analysis and critical thinking.
Case Study. The completed table contains all required information extracted from the Case Study.
required table, or table content is incomplete); is not applicable to the Case Study; or is lacking in demonstration of understanding of course concepts, analysis
and/or critical thinking.
Projects; table is missing; and/or information presented does not apply to the Case Study.
External Research
9-10 Points
Two or more sources other than the class materials are incorporated, are substantive and are used effectively. Sources used are relevant and timely, contribute to the
analysis and support conclusions. References are appropriately incorporated and cited using APA style.
8 Points
At least one source other than the class materials is incorporated and used effectively. Source(s) are relevant and contribute to the analysis. References are
appropriately incorporated and cited using APA style.
7 Points
At least one source other than the class materials is used and properly incorporated into the text. Reference is cited using APA style.
6 Points
A source other than the class materials may be used, but is not properly incorporated, and/or is not relevant or timely; and/or APA style for references and citations
is not followed.
0-5 Points
No external research is incorporated or reference listed is not cited within text.
Report Format
9-10 Points
Report is very well organized and is easy to read. Very few or no errors in
8 Points
Report reflects effective organization; has few errors in sentence
7 Points
Report has some organization; may have some errors in sentence
6 Points
Report is not well organized, and/or contains several grammar and/or spelling
0-5 Points
Report is extremely poorly written, has many grammar
3/28/2014 6
Criterion 90-100% Far Above Standards 80-89% Above Standards 70-79% Meets Standards 60-69% Below Standards < 60% Well Below Standards Possible Points
sentence structure, grammar, and spelling; presented in a professional format.
structure, grammar, and spelling; presented in a professional format.
structure, grammar and spelling.
and/or spelling errors, or does not convey the information.
Possible Points
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IT Strategic Plan, Part 2
Before you begin this assignment, be sure you have read the “Wobbly Wheels Case Study” and the feedback you received on your IT Strategic Plan Part 1 assignment. Also,
be sure you have read the chapters in the textbook that have been assigned to this point.
Purpose of this Assignment
This assignment gives you the opportunity to apply the course concepts to complete the development of an Information Technology Strategic Plan (ITSP) to support the
strategic direction of Wobbly Wheels Distribution Company (WW). This assignment specifically addresses the following course outcomes to enable you to:
? identify, define, and explain the concepts of information technology governance and management
? apply best practices in information technology management and governance to make, defend, and justify an IT decision
IT Strategic Plan for Wobbly Wheels Distribution Company
For the previous assignment, you developed Part 1 of an IT Strategic Plan for WW. For this assignment, you will incorporate any needed changes resulting from the
feedback you received on your Part 1 assignment and you will add Part 2. Part 2 will include an IT project that you are proposing that WW undertake. This new project
will be included in the IT Portfolio section of Part 2, and will be further described in a future assignment, the “IT Decision Paper.” The entire ITSP will be
submitted as a single document for this assignment.
First, you should make any changes to your Part 1 assignment, as indicated in the feedback you received. Then, you will develop Part 2 of the ITSP for Wobbly Wheels,
using the outline below, and add it to Part 1. A single, complete ITSP, with both Parts 1 and 2 will be submitted for this assignment. Note that Part 2 includes a
project you are proposing that WW undertakes. In addition to the course materials, at least one external resource (resource other than those provided in the class)
must be used. A separate References page should be included. Remember to use the APA formatting rules and correctly cite and reference your sources with APA format.
Use the Grading Rubric to be sure you have covered everything. Submit your paper as a Microsoft Word document, or a document that can be read using Word, with your
last name included in the filename.
Please use this outline to build Part 2 of your IT Strategic Plan. Use the numbering and headings shown below.
Part Two
1. IT Strategies – Write at least three IT strategies and explain how they align to one or more of the business strategies, including the compliance requirements,
articulated in the Case Study. If these business strategies were not included in your Part 1 paper, you should add these strategies into Part 1 prior to submitting
this assignment. When the full ITSP is submitted for this assignment, there should be a clear link between the business strategies in Part 1 and the IT Strategies in
Part 2. Provide at least one internal IT strategy and two business enabling IT strategies. Refer to Chapter 9. For an explanation of internal and external IT
strategies, see the portion of the text just prior to Table 9.2.
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2. IT Portfolio – As stated in the textbook, Chapter 9: “The summary of your strategy is your overall IT road map and includes the expected time frame to deliver your
strategy. Recommendations in this area include organizing your road map by key business partners, such as sales and marketing, and using a six-quarter time frame. Six
quarters provides adequate time to deliver programs that may take more than one year to complete and provides visibility into the organization’s longer-term strategy.”
Although the roadmap shown in Figure 9.3 identifies projects that are approved/proposed, along with projects that have been delayed from their original delivery date;
for purposes of this assignment, only the projected timeframes to develop the projects are required. Create a roadmap, similar to the one in the textbook, Chapter 9,
Figure 9.3. The table below is similar to Figure 9.3; it shows the five functional areas of an example company and two systems for each area. To develop your roadmap,
use a table like the one below; you can copy the table, insert the functional areas and systems that are discussed in the Case Study, and use ‘insert shape –
rectangle’ to insert the bars showing the timeframes for development of each. The functional areas and projects in development, and their timeframes should be
extracted from the Case Study. Be sure to include an introductory paragraph to explain the table that will follow.
Projects by
Functional Area
Qtr. 1
Qtr. 2
Qtr. 3
Qtr. 4
Qtr. 5
Qtr. 6
Sales Force Automation
Online Quoting
Product Development
Collaboration – Wikis, Blogs
Showcase Company Products
Customer Experience
Marketing Analytics
Business Intelligence
Global Payroll
Technical Support
Network Upgrade
Data Center Move
3. Proposed Project: Next, you will propose a new IT project to support at least one of the strategies in section 1 above, and include it in the Table above. Use a
different color font to indicate this new project and insert it with the appropriate functional area in your table. In Section 3, describe how your proposed project
will supplement the current IT development projects in supporting the business of WW. In a future assignment, you will use this project to develop an “IT Decision
Paper”; therefore, you should look at that assignment to be sure the project you propose will be appropriate for that assignment as well. Refer to Case Study for ideas
for a new project. This is a major part of the next assignment. Give this some thought.
4. Risk Management – List and explain at least three risks that Carol should be prepared to manage as she executes her plans. What risk management techniques can she
use for each one to try to prevent and/or mitigate them? Refer to Chapter 16. This is a good area to do some external research – see what you can find on the web about
IT project risks and risk management. (Review the Additional Resources area’s document “How To Guide to Risk Management”.)
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5. Business Continuity Planning– List and explain the steps Carol should take to develop a Business Continuity Plan for WW so she can be sure that the most important
systems will remain operational in the event of a catastrophe. Include who should be involved in its development.
In addition, from the Case Study, identify what you consider the three most important systems currently in use at WW. Explain the steps Carol can take to ensure those
systems continue to be available for WW in the event of a local catastrophe. (Review Chapter 27 on the Business Continuity Plan for additional resources.)
The “right” and “wrong” answers have to do with whether or not you correctly incorporated the course concepts from the textbook and addressed all parts of the
assignment. You need to do some external research on at least one aspect of the assignment – your choice – and incorporate it and cite/reference it in APA format in
your response. The content of the mission and vision statements you create is not as important as that it makes sense in light of the course content and the Case
Study. Use the Rubric below to be sure you have covered all aspects of the assignment.
GRADING RUBRIC: Criterion 90-100% Far Above Standards 80-89% Above Standards 70-79% Meets Standards 60-69% Below Standards < 60% Well Below Standards Possible Points
IT Strategies
18-20 Points
Four or more IT strategies (including at least 2 business enabling strategies and 1 internal IT strategy) are presented and are clearly and appropriately tied to the
business strategies articulated in the Case Study and listed in Part 1; demonstrates thorough understanding of course concepts, analysis and critical thinking.
16-17 Points
Three IT strategies (including 2 business enabling strategies and 1 internal IT strategy) are presented and are clearly and appropriately tied to the business
strategies articulated in the Case Study and listed in Part 1; demonstrates understanding of course concepts, analysis and critical thinking.
14-15 Points
Three IT strategies (2 business enabling strategies and 1 internal IT strategy) are listed and aligned to the business strategies articulated in the Case Study. All
business strategies cited are now included in Part 1. There is a clear link between the business strategies in Part 1 and the IT Strategies in Part 2.
12-13 Points
Fewer than 3 IT strategies (2 business enabling strategies and 1 internal IT strategy) are presented; one or more are not appropriately tied to business strategies
articulated in the Case Study; and/or business strategies are not listed in Part 1.
0-11 Points
Few or no IT Strategies are included; strategies do not relate to the Case Study; and/or are poorly written and do not convey the information.
IT Portfolio
18-20 Points
This section includes an effective and well-written introductory paragraph that is applicable to the
16-17 Points
This section includes an appropriate introductory paragraph that is applicable to the Case Study
14-15 Points
This section includes an introductory paragraph that applies to the Case Study. The IT Portfolio
12-13 Points
This section is somewhat incomplete (lacking in introduction or required table, or table content
0-11 Points
Little or no information is provided on the IT Portfolio; table is missing; and/or
3/28/2014 4
Criterion 90-100% Far Above Standards 80-89% Above Standards 70-79% Meets Standards 60-69% Below Standards < 60% Well Below Standards Possible Points
Case Study and the table that follows. The IT Portfolio roadmap table of systems in development accurately reflects the information presented in the Case Study
(functional areas, systems, and timelines); and demonstrates thorough understanding of course concepts, analysis and critical thinking. Table is very professionally
presented, uses a logical and easily understandable structure, and spelling is correct.
and the table that follows. The IT Portfolio roadmap table of systems in development accurately reflects the information presented in the Case Study (functional areas,
systems, and timelines); and demonstrates understanding of course concepts, analysis and critical thinking. Table is professionally presented, uses a logical
structure, and spelling is correct.
roadmap table shows the functional areas and projects in development, and their timeframes extracted from the Case Study.
is incomplete); and/or is not applicable to the Case Study.
information presented does not apply to the Case Study.
Proposed Project
9-10 Points
The IT project proposed is appropriate to the Case Study, is aligned to a functional area, supports at least one strategy in Section 1 above, and is included in the
table. The explanation of how it supplements the current IT projects in development is clear and convincing and is clearly aligned to
8 Points
The IT project proposed is appropriate to the Case Study, is aligned to a functional area, supports at least one strategy in Section 1 above, and is included in the
table. The explanation of how it supplements the current IT projects in development is clear and is aligned to the business in the
7 Points
A new IT project that supports at least one of the strategies in section 1 above, has been included it in the appropriate functional area in the Table above, using a
different color font. The explanation includes how the proposed project supplements the current IT development projects in supporting the
6 Points
The IT project proposed is not appropriate to the Case Study; is not correctly aligned to a functional area; and/or is not listed in the table. And/or the explanation
of how it supplements the current IT projects in development is not clear, or is missing.
0-5 Points
No Proposed Project is included; or proposed project is not appropriate to the Case Study and/or is not explained.
3/28/2014 5
Criterion 90-100% Far Above Standards 80-89% Above Standards 70-79% Meets Standards 60-69% Below Standards < 60% Well Below Standards Possible Points
the business in the Case Study; demonstrates thorough understanding of course concepts, analysis and critical thinking.
Case Study; demonstrates understanding of course concepts, analysis and critical thinking.
business in the Case Study.
Risk Manage-ment
14-15 Points
Four or more risks are listed and fully explained, along with techniques to prevent and/or mitigate them; risks and techniques identified are appropriate for the Case
Study; section is well written with reference used to support explanation; demonstrates thorough understanding of course concepts, analysis and critical thinking.
12-13 Points
At least three risks are listed and fully explained, along with techniques to prevent and/or mitigate them; risks and techniques identified are appropriate for the
Case Study; demonstrates good understanding of course concepts, analysis and critical thinking.
10-11 Points
Three risks are listed and explained, along with techniques to prevent and/or mitigate them; risks and techniques are appropriate for the Case Study.
9 Points
Fewer than three risks are listed and/or explained; lacking in some techniques to prevent and/or mitigate them; and/or risks and techniques are not appropriate for the
Case Study.
0-8 Points
Risk Management section is not included; few risks are listed or explained; and/or risks/
techniques do not apply to the Case Study.
Business Continuity Planning
14-15 Points
Business Continuity Planning (BCP) section thoroughly covers the steps needed to develop a BCP and correctly identifies the participants; three systems important to
the Case Study are listed with complete steps to
12-13 Points
Business Continuity Planning (BCP) section completely covers the steps needed to develop a BCP and correctly identifies the participants; three systems important to
the Case Study are listed with steps
10-11 Points
Business Continuity Planning (BCP) section covers the major steps needed to develop a BCP and identifies the participants; three systems important to the Case Study
are listed with steps to ensure their continued availability;
9 Points
Business Continuity Planning section is incomplete (lacking in major steps, participants, identification of 3 important systems and/or steps to ensure their continued
availability);and/or is not
0-8 Points
Business Continuity Planning is not included, or severely lacking in completeness and/or applicability to the Case Study.
3/28/2014 6
Criterion 90-100% Far Above Standards 80-89% Above Standards 70-79% Meets Standards 60-69% Below Standards < 60% Well Below Standards Possible Points
ensure their continued availability; responses are appropriate to the Case Study; demonstrates thorough understanding of course concepts, analysis and critical
to ensure their continued availability; responses are appropriate to the Case Study; demonstrates understanding of course concepts, analysis and critical thinking.
responses are appropriate to the Case Study.
applicable to the Case Study.
External Research
9-10 Points
Two or more sources other than the class materials are incorporated, are substantive and are used effectively. Sources used are relevant and timely, contribute to the
analysis and support conclusions. References are appropriately incorporated and cited using APA style.
8 Points
At least one source other than the class materials is incorporated and used effectively. Source(s) are relevant and contribute to the analysis. References are
appropriately incorporated and cited using APA style.
7 Points
At least one source other than the class materials is used and properly incorporated into the text. Reference is cited using APA style.
6 Points
A source other than the class materials may be used, but is not properly incorporated, and/or is not relevant or timely; and/or APA style for references and citations
is not followed.
0-5 Points
No external research is incorporated or reference listed is not cited within text.
Report Format
9-10 Points
ITSP includes Part 1 (updated/
corrected as needed) and Part 2, integrated into a cohesive document; ITSP is very well written and easy to read; uses correct sentence structure, grammar and
spelling; presented in a
8 Points
ITSP includes Part 1 (updated/
corrected as needed) and Part 2. ITSP reflects effective organization. Few errors in sentence structure, grammar, and spelling; presented in a professional format.
7 Points
ITSP includes Part 1 (updated/
corrected as needed) and Part 2. ITSP has some organization; may have some errors in sentence structure, grammar and spelling.
6 Points
ITSP does not include Part 1; Part 1 has not been updated or corrected; ITSP is not well organized; and/or contains several grammar and/or spelling errors.
0-5 Points
ITSP is extremely poorly written has many grammar and/or spelling errors, or does not convey the information.
3/28/2014 7
Criterion 90-100% Far Above Standards 80-89% Above Standards 70-79% Meets Standards 60-69% Below Standards < 60% Well Below Standards Possible Points
professional format.
Possible Points

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