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Question 1. What if you invest in the stock of a corporation and make floating profit of $100,000. A) what if take your profit by the end of the year? B) what if you take profit at the middle of the year? And C) what if you do not take out profit and leave it as a floating profit for another year or the end of economic expansion and then take it? In each case, do you pay capital gain tax or not?
Question 2. Determine two ways to apply investment with a bachelor’s of business administration major/career.
Question 3. Create a list of three best practices to follow when investing.
Question 4. Write a speech that you would give to a friend in an elevator summing up the contents of financial investment. You have 30 to 90 seconds to inform your friend of the most important elements.
Sample Solution
craftsmanship made his Sonata for Two Pian Investment os in D major, k. 488, in 1781 when he was 25. It has three developments and is written in a sonata-allegro structure with a “Galant” style that contains interlocking tunes and concurrent rhythms. It was made for his companion Josepha Auernhammer for a presentation they would give together, making it one of Mozart’s couple of Investment creations composed for two pianos. Mozart is said to have passed on the fifth of December 1791 at the youthful age of 35, anyway it is unsure what he kicked the bucket from. There are theories of homicide by his companion Antonio Salieri by poison, yet ever-present indications of ailment for an incredible duration rejected this hypothesis. The Parish register, a book recording christenings, relationships, and entombments at a ward church, states he passes on from a serious instance of “military fever”. Mozart was known to have been an evil kid and to have experienced branches of ailment as he was growing up; from the age of nine years of age he enc Investment ountered the perilous ailment, conceivably known as typhoid fever, just as ramifications of smallpox, tonsillitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, stiffness and gum malady. Mozart’s terrible invulnerable framework drives us to the inquiry that if Mozart’s music should mend and improve the brain and body, for what reason did he experience the ill effects of such exceptional sicknesses all through his lifetime. The Original Study The Original ‘Mozart Effect’ study was performed and did by three investigates, Frances Rauscher, Katherine Ky and Dr Gordon Shaw in 1993. The examination depended on thirty-six college understudies from the brain science office at the University of California, Irvine.>
craftsmanship made his Sonata for Two Pianos in D major, k. 488, in 1781 when he was 25. It has three Investment developments and is written in a sonata-allegro structure with a “Galant” style that contains interlocking tunes and concurrent rhythms. It was made for his companion Josepha Auernhammer for a presentation they would give together, making it one of Mozart’s couple of creations composed for two pianos. Mozart is said to have passed on the fifth of December 1791 at the youthful age of 35, anyway it is unsure what he kicked the bucket from. There are theories of homicide by his companion Antonio Salieri by poison, yet ever-present indications of ailment for an incredible duration rejected this hypothesis. The Parish register, a book recording christenings, relationships, and entombments at a ward church, states he pass Investment es on from a serious instance of “military fever”. Mozart was known to have been an evil kid and to have experienced branches of ailment as he was growing up; from the age of nine years of age he encountered the perilous ailment, conceivably known as typhoid fever, just as ramifications of smallpox, tonsillitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, stiffness and gum malady. Mozart’s terrible invulnerable framework drives us to the inquiry that if Mozart’s music should mend and improve the brain and body, for what reason did he experience the ill effects of such excep Investment tional sicknesses all through his lifetime. The Original Study The Original ‘Mozart Effect’ study was performed and did by three investigates, Frances Rauscher, Katherine Ky and Dr Gordon Shaw in 1993. The examination depended on thirty-six college understudies from the brain science office at the University of California, Irvine.>
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