Internal Environments That Influence Management Activities-Planning
You are being asked to engage in developing a best practice managerial approach to lead an organization in a new and challenging direction. Using the readings, course guide, and sources in this module,
Establish the type of health service and location of the service in which the manager(s) will be operating. Consider the organization selected for the final written assignment.
Relate how the functions addressed in this module influence successful performance and goal/outcome attainment in health services organizations. Consider how this information can be helpful in your final written assignment.
Generate key specific recommendations and the justifications for the approach, supported by the readings for the selection of recommended criteria. Present logical associations and connections among the theories, concepts, terms, including but not limited to planning, organizing, staffing, and decision making within the formal and informational organization.
Support what you write with information from course materials, i.e. cite the information.
In composing this written assignment, include in your written assignment a discussion regarding the theories and concepts learned in this module.
Parameters for the Assignment
Communicate effectively in a scholarly manner in the way that best communicates the information. The format can be essay, lists, tables, etc.
Your relating of the course materials to the performance of mangers in health and/or human service organizations will accurately reflect the major concepts and theories presented in the course materials.
Your presentation will contain no more than 2,000 words.
Your assignment will contain appropriate referencing for scholarly work.
Your written assignment is intended to test your understanding of important concepts and to sharpen your intellectual skills of analysis, synthesis, evaluation, and application. The intent of the written assignment is to provide an opportunity to more fully describe, explain, and analyze the books and other sources. Be sure to cite any and all sources correctly so that your academic integrity is not called into question. Throughout this course, the Library Resources and Academic Integrity resources will enable you to successfully complete written assignments.
Your assignment is expected to be well written and organized, using proper sentence structure and spellchecked. For further explanation please see the Rubrics (how you will be evaluated) section of the course information documents.
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