Interdisciplinary Essay on The Crucible and McCarthyism Essay Dissertation Help

Interdisciplinary Essay on The Crucible and McCarthyism

Order Description
Directions are as follows (*The Crucible is the source from class, the outside source about McCarthyism is what I need): This assignment asks that you construct an argument based on your analysis
of TWO texts from TWO different disciplines. AT LEAST ONE of the texts must be from our class readings (the crucible*).
I have organized our class around one cultural text (a novel, play, film, or other cultural object) and texts from other disciplines that help to illuminate the issues, questions, and themes of the
cultural text. This paper asks you to do the same. You will compose an argument based on the pairing of one cultural text and one sociological, historical, or anthropological text. I leave to your
discretion the topic under which you choose your texts, the means by which you draw them together, and the method in which you analyze them.
However, your argument must address the following questions:
— How do these texts speak to each other?
— What is the full picture of your issue that we see when we read across disciplines? — What does one text show us that the other does not and vice versa?
— Why is this fuller picture important?
Options for your argument include:
— Why these texts must be read together
— How one text disrupts the argument of the other
— The unusual nature of pinning these two texts together
— A “yes / no / yes, but” essay
— An argument for the relevance of reading together a cultural text with more traditional research
Note: If your argument is just “now we get a better understanding of the issue,” YOU ARE NOT DONE WRITING. Your argument must address how EXACTLY this picture is now complete, in what ways is our
understanding now better, and why is that important. Some good question to ask yourself is: What specific gaps in our understanding of a particular issue does each text fill, how do they fill those
gaps, and why do they need filling?
I will grade this essay on the clarity and specificity with which you answer the above questions, the extent to which you answer the basic requirements of the assignment, the strength of your
argument (both in your introduction and throughout the paper), the organization of your essay, and the clarity of your writing on a macro and micro level. You will also be expected to include a
works cited page(ill do that), in addition to parenthetical in-text citations.

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