Please note that the final term paper is worth 40% of your grade.
Content of the term paper (or What should the paper be about?): For the term paper the student should write about a development project that has been initiated in any city in the global South in order to “improve” the city. The student is expected to write a critical /analytical essay on this development project. In other words, the final term paper should not simply be an empirical account of the student’s chosen development project. Rather the paper (in addition to providing empirical details about the development project such as when it was initiated, who initiated the project, the major stakeholders of the project, the objectives and outcome of the project, the target population of the development project) should attempt to analyze the development initiatives using theoretical insights and concepts learned in the class.

In order to write a good paper begin by reading broadly about your chosen urban development project, then, define an appropriate research question (this is critical), conduct effective focused research that will answer your research question and communicate results in good writing.

Length and structure of the final term paper proposal: 2 page outline that lists your chosen development project, a list of potential academic papers and reports that will used in the paper, identify concepts and/or theoretical insights from class that will used to critically evaluate the project.  Argument/ thesis. Please do make use of my office hours to discuss the paper or any concerns you might have.
Length and structure of the final term paper: Each student is expected to write a medium length term paper (minimum of 10 pages and maximum of 11 double-spaced pages in length, Times New Roman font, 12 point font, 1-inch margins).
As to the structure, the research paper should be organized under the following headings: 1) Title Page 2) Main Body (includes introduction and conclusion) 3) Endnotes (if any) 4) Bibliography 5) Tables and Figures (if any).  Please note: The page limit applies to the main body of the term paper
The 40% is divided into 2 components:
1.    10% for final term paper proposal/outline due October 29th in class
2.    30% for final term paper due November 26th in mailbox
Due Date     Length     Percentage
Final term paper Proposal    Thursday, 29 October 2015    in class
Final Paper Due Date:     2 pages    10%
Final term paper    By 4:00 pm on Thursday, 26 November 2015 in my drop-box located in MW290     10-11 pages    30%
Writing resources:
1.    William Strunk, Jr. and E. B. White. The Elements of Style.  (New York: Macmillan, 1959)
2.    Joseph M. Williams. Style: Ten Lessons in Clarity and Grace.  (Glenview, IL, Boston, and London: Scott, Foresman & Company, 1989)
3.    Kate L. Turabian. A Manual for Writers of Term Papers, These
s, and Dissertations.  Sixth Edition (or later)

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