instruction box for the topics ( Metamorphosis written by Franz Kafka)

1. How does the narrative perspective of ‘Metamorphosis’ impact on the reader’s understanding of the story? (150 words)
2. To what extent does a knowledge of the context in which the story was written affect our reading of it? (150 words)
3. Did you read the story in German, English or another language? Do you think the language in which you read affected your interpretation of it? Can you support your conclusion with any specific examples? (100 words)
4. Do you think reading the story via psychoanalytic, a sociological or a gender studies perspective can add something to our reading of the story? If so, what, and, if not, why not? You may refer to only one of these perspectives in your answer. (200 words)
5. ‘Metamorphosis’ has been described as having ‘the flavour of a personal nightmare with a wider symbolic meaning.’ (John Hibberd) To what extent do you think this is an accurate description of the story? What evidence can you offer to support your view? (200 words)
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