Identify the different types of biases that are likely to occur, and explain what steps you will take to minimize them.

Order code: 81558160


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Time remaining: 6 days 11 hours 19 minutes
Deadline: December 08 12:52
Order total: $4.9
$2.45 / Page
Pages: 2, Double spaced
Sources: 1
Order type: Term Paper
Subject: Business
Academic level: Master
Style: APA
Language: English (U.S.)
Order Description

Unit IV Mini Project

Write a report discussing the sampling design for the proposal.
Describe the sampling procedures (convenience, quota, simple random) that will yield the best results for your research objective and justify your rationale for choosing the procedure(s). Include the following information:
1. Research the objective.
2. Description of the population: Process for identifying the target population and selecting the sampling frame.
3. Identify the different types of biases that are likely to occur, and explain what steps you will take to minimize them.
4. Conclusion: Highlight the major points discussed in the previous sections. Be sure to relate the information back to the purpose and relevance of the research.

You must use correct APA formatting when writing your paper. All references used, including the textbook, must be cited.

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