Human Resources – Change Management
The capacity of Human Resources Management is evolving with the change in competitive market environments. As organizations of all kinds face unrelenting changes in
their environment, the need for individuals who are capable of turning strategy into reality has created a new legitimacy for the change agent role – which is often
located within the Human Resources function. There are several reasons for this trend:
Human resource professionals have made significant strides over the past decade in becoming business partners; demonstrating the value they can add to the business;
Executives are looking for where the change process can best be managed;
Most business strategies require major changes in people-related issues; Human Resource professionals develop and manage the key “people” systems needed to support
organizational change;
Please discuss the critical role that HR can play during large changes in an organization, how they can facilitate the changes in the organization and what they need
to do to protect employees against the side effects of the constant changes.

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