How would you rate Xi Jinping's visit to the US?Sept 24& 25?on a scale of 1 to 10 where 1 is 'utter failure' and 10 is an ' unqualified success'? provide detailed reasons in support of your answer.

How would you rate Xi Jinping’s visit to the US?Sept 24& 25?on a scale of 1 to 10 where 1 is ‘utter failure’ and 10 is an ‘ unqualified success’? provide detailed reasons in support of your answer.

Please cover those 4 parts to answer the topic question.
1. Security Issues: Militarization, Taiwan, North Korea, Iran, Cyber Espionage, ADIZ E and S China sea, etc.
2. Economic Issues: Gross trade imbalance, Currency Revaluation Protection of IPR, WTO Compliance.
3. Human Rights: Treatment of Tibetans & Uighurs, brutal suppression of dissent, political prisoners, etc.
4. Environment Issures: CO2 emission cuts Climate change, Green Energy Technologies, etc.

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