Select a historical or fictional engineering case to discuss.
resourcesiboard-of-ethical-review-cases /CaseStudies.aspx http://www.onlineethics.orgiResources.aspx?resource-type=29_77284fields=25_660 Focus on one particular decision point in the scenario. In particular how one particular agent should/should have acted in that situation. For a historical case focus on the information available to the agent at the time rather than what actually did happen. In your paper you should do the following: (1) Describe the case. (2) What should the agent do/should have done given the information available to them? Identify a number of possible options (3-5) and argue for one of them. (3)Analyse the case by two ethical theories (Kantianism, utilitarianism, or virtue ethics). What do the theories suggest the agent should do/should have done?

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