Fundamentals of Behavioural Sciences

Fundamentals of Behavioural Sciences Assessment Workbook

Module Code: HS182- 4 – AP (Adult Nursing) HS199- 4 – AP (Mental Health Nursing)

Level: 4 (20 credits) 

Cohort: 2022


Welcome to this workbook for the Fundamentals of Behavioural Sciences module. This document provides the framework for the summative assessment of your learning for the module and allows you to demonstrate that you have met the learning outcomes, as set out below: 

1. Explain the importance of early years and childhood experiences and their possible impact on life choices, mental, physical and behavioural health and wellbeing. 

2. Demonstrate fundamental knowledge of cognitive, emotional and behavioural development and apply this knowledge to nursing practices. 

3. Demonstrate fundamental knowledge of the conditions that promote mental health and wellbeing and recognise signs of mental and emotional distress. 

4. Demonstrate fundamental knowledge of the conditions that promote cognitive health and wellbeing and recognise signs of cognitive distress and impairment. 

5. Demonstrate fundamental knowledge of behavioural distress, recognising how and why people’s behaviour can become agitated, aggressive or challenging. 

6. Recognise and assess people who show signs of abuse, neglect, self-harm and suicidal ideation, initiating interventions and escalating concerns appropriately. 

7. Use a range of fundamental communication strategies and evidence-based approaches to behaviour change to identify and discuss the impact of smoking, substance and alcohol use, sexual behaviours, diet and exercise on mental, physical and behavioural health and wellbeing, in the context of people’s individual circumstances.

These learning outcomes are linked directly with a number of the Nursing and Midwifery Council’s standards of proficiency (NMC, 2018), Annexe A skills and Annexe B procedures, as detailed fully in Appendix 1. 

You will need to write four 500-word essays based on practice scenarios and guidance for each essay is given in the four sections of this workbook.

Appendix 2 shows the marking grid that will be used to assess your work and provides details of exactly what academic skills you need to demonstrate against five criteria: 

▪ Knowledge and critical understanding 

▪ Application of data 

▪ Problem solving 

▪ Communication and references 

▪ Personal learning and transferable skills

Section 1

Section 1: Conditions for health and wellbeing 

Before answering the scenario-based essay question for this section, you should complete the following activities: 

Activity 1 

First review the core lectures from the w.c. 17th October and w.c.14th November – 

▪ ‘Key concepts of health, wellbeing, illness and disability’, and

▪ ‘Social, environmental and internal factors contributing to health and illness: the determinants of health’ 

Activity 2 

Read the articles, listed below, which provide summary overviews of the wider determinants of health, how these may impact on health and wellbeing for different people, and highlight the importance of developing awareness of them for nursing practice. 

Matthews, D. (2015) Sociology in nursing 1: Can sociology help to improve nursing practice? Nursing Times; 111(41): 18-20. 

McFarland, A. and MacDonald, E. (2019) Role of the nurse in identifying and addressing health inequalities. Nursing Standard; 34(4): 37-42. 

Both journal articles are available through the University’s library databases and are included on the module’s Talis reading list, but pdf copies have also been uploaded to Moodle and can be found in the ‘Assessment Information’ box. 

Activity 3 

Access and watch this YouTube video. Even though it is only a little over 4 minutes long, it provides a lot of information, so you might benefit from watching more than once! Clicking the link should take you straight to the video:

Scenario 1

Jake, 25, began working at a local gym 3 years ago following completion of his degree in Sport and Exercise. Work was going well, and he was taking on more responsibility until the Covid-19 pandemic enforced lockdown and the owners of the gym, like other businesses, applied for and placed the workforce on the furlough scheme. The loss of a proportion of his income is compensated by a saving on travel costs.

Jake lives alone in a bedsit and his family live some distance away in the midlands. He has friends whom he stayed in touch with via social media and began spending a lot of time in online gaming. At first, he enjoys the time away from work and not having to wake early to get himself ready and make the journey to the gym. There is a supermarket a fifteen-minute walk from home and, as permitted, he shops, observing social distancing rules. 

As the weeks passed Jake became more preoccupied with gaming, lost the inclination to walk to the supermarket, opting instead to use the local shop three minutes away, and has generally adopted a more sedentary routine with little exercise and less healthy eating habits. Jake has become increasingly frustrated with lockdown and the inability to meet with friends and family.

When the gym reopens Jake’s manager notices his weight gain and more slovenly appearance. He is warned that this affects the image and good reputation of the gym and he must address this with immediate effect, otherwise his position is under threat. Jake arranges a telephone consultation with the practice nurse at his local GP practice for advice. 

Essay Questions Section 1 (total 500 words)

  • Explore the range of potential circumstances and factors, i.e., determinants of health, that may have impacted on Jake’s current experience of health and well-being.
  • What are likely to be the main concerns as far as the practice nurse is concerned, and how may she support Jake in making the necessary changes?

Section 2

Section 2 Childhood experiences 

Before answering the scenario-based essay question for this section, you should complete the following activities: 

Activity 1 

First review the core lectures from w.c. 3rd November to the w.c. 1st December November – 

▪ ‘Individual development across the lifespan 2: health and well-being in childhood and adolescence’. 

▪ ‘Stress, distress and self-harm: adverse experiences across the life course’. 

▪ ‘Principles of safeguarding’. 

Activity 2 

Read the articles, listed below, which provide summary overviews of the range of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and their potential impact on physical, mental and behavioural development, health and wellbeing. They also highlight the importance of developing awareness of them for nursing practice, caring effectively for people across the lifespan and promoting safety.

American Academy of Paediatrics (2014) Adverse Childhood Experiences and the Lifelong Consequences of Trauma. Itasca Illinois: AAP. 

Gilliver, C. (2018) Trauma-informed care in response to adverse childhood experiences. Nursing Times [online]; 114: 7, 46-49. 

Both sources are available through the University’s library databases and are included on the module’s Talis reading list, but pdf copies have also been uploaded to Moodle and can be found in the ‘Assessment Information’ box. 

Activity 3 

Access and watch this 6-minute YouTube video. Clicking the link should take you straight to the video:

Scenario 2 

Gerry is 15 and currently living with his father and elderly grandmother. His grandmother has started to become muddled at times and Gerry feels increasingly stressed about her safety when on her own. His parents are separated following many years of a troubled relationship and his mother has returned to her family in the Philippines. 

Gerry always remembers there being rows and, especially when his dad had been drinking, it was always safer to hide in his room before the physical fighting started and he learned it was best to keep out of the way. Gerry’s mum was very timid and had been kept under control herself by a very strict father, so she had taken a back seat in Gerry’s upbringing and had left him to his own devices. She would often stay in bed all day. 

At school, concerns have been raised with the School Nurse about Gerry’s attendance and he is reluctant to communicate with staff or other students. There is evidence that Gerry is being bullied and taunted because of his shabby appearance, and he has begun to get involved in fighting. Gerry is also refusing to eat with others or get involved in sports at school, is wearing increasingly baggy clothes, and keeps his arms and legs always covered. 

Essay Questions Section 2 (total 500 words) 

▪ Describe the behaviours that suggest Gerry has experienced traumatic events in his life and explain what these events have been. 

▪ Identify the principles of care in safeguarding Gerry as a vulnerable person and supporting his family.

Section 3

Section 3 Health promotion and behaviour change 

Before answering the scenario-based essay question for this section, you should complete the following activities: 

Activity 1 

First review the core lectures from w.c. 5th and w.c.12th December – 

▪ ‘Health promotion and behavioural change: key health challenges and influences on behaviour’, and 

▪ ‘Health promotion and behavioural change: health communication and health promotion frameworks’ 

Activity 2 

Read the articles, listed below, which provide summary overviews of what health promotion and health education are and important frameworks and strategies that nurses can use in their practice to support people and encourage them to consider changing their lifestyle behaviours. 

Fuller, S. (2015) Building brief intervention into your everyday work. Nursing Times; 111(5): 23- 25.

Whitehead, D. (2018) Exploring health promotion and health education in nursing. Nursing Standard. Doi: 10.7748/ns.2018. e11220 

Both journal articles are available through the University’s library databases and are included on the module’s Talis reading list, but pdf copies have also been uploaded to Moodle and can be found in the ‘Assessment Information’ box. 

Activity 3 

Access and watch this YouTube video. It provides some useful examples of health promoting interactions that could be considered through the ‘Making Every Contact Count’ approach. Clicking the link should take you straight to the video:

Scenario 3

Yasmin is a 19-year-old woman who, until seven months ago, was living in the family home. She had a major falling out with her parents over her choice of partner (same sex relationship) and then moved in with her. This relationship has since ended; however, Yasmin has been unable to reconcile with her parents and had been ‘sofa surfing’ with a friend for two months but eventually felt that she had outstayed her welcome, leading her to sleep rough.

About six weeks ago Yasmin was approached by a man who seemed pleasant, gave her money for food and invited her to an abandoned property where others also lived. Shortly after moving in the same man began providing her with cocaine, unconditionally at first but after a while he sought sexual favours from her. Yasmin was uncomfortable with this and resisted initially but submitted soon after owing to her longing for the drug.

In the last two weeks the man has pressured Yasmin to have sex with other men, suggesting that he will provide her with money (as well as the drug). He adds that they will pay more if they do not have to wear a condom. Yasmin is again uncomfortable with this but also gives this consideration with the promise of money in her pocket. 

During a visit to a food bank Yasmin was upset, and a visiting primary health care worker sat with her and listened sensitively whilst Yasmin confided in her about the events of the past seven months. 

Essay Questions Section 3 (total 500 words) 

  • Discuss the determinants that affected Yasmin on her journey from the beginning to the close of the scenario, and the factors that increased her vulnerability on the way, including the health risks.
  • How might Yasmin be supported in addressing possible health risks and concerns in a way that empowers her to act on this? 

Section 4

Section 4 Agitation and aggression 

Before answering the scenario-based essay question for this section, you should complete the following activities:

Activity 1 

First review the core lecture from w.c. 17th October, w.c. 1st December 2022 and w.c. 19th January 2023 – 

▪ ‘Individual development across the lifespan 3: health and well-being in adults and old age’, and

▪ ‘Agitation, aggression and challenging behaviour’ 

Activity 2 

Read the articles, listed below, which provide summary overviews of a range of challenging behaviours and why they may have arisen, and possible tactics that can be used for prevention, to manage situations and promote safety for all. 

Hallett, N. (2018) Preventing and managing challenging behaviour. Nursing Standard. 32(26): 51- 62.

 Harwood, R. (2017) How to deal with violent and aggressive patients in acute medical settings. Journal of the Royal College of Physicians; 47: 176-82. 

Both journal articles are available through the University’s library databases and are included on the module’s Talis reading list, but pdf copies have also been uploaded to Moodle and can be found in the ‘Assessment Information’ box. 

Activity 3  

Access and watch this YouTube video which provides an overview of assessing risk form agitation and aggression in clinical work situations. Clicking the link should take you straight to the video:

Scenario 4 

Frank has been living alone with Alzheimer’s for many years, but his condition has deteriorated significantly enough over recent months, following a period in hospital after a fall, that his family decided that it would be safer and best for him to move to a nursing home for care. Before the move, Frank was visited daily by his granddaughter who used to help him get up and ready for the day and make sure he was able to get to the day centre twice a week. 

Since the move, Frank has started to get out of bed as many as ten times during the night to visit the toilet and has started soiling his pyjamas on some nights. He ends up wandering, losing his way and pacing up and down the care home corridors. He spends much of his time during the day napping in his chair. 

Frank’s family have noticed when they visit that he seems increasingly confused and distressed, especially in the evening and at night. He is sometimes verbally abusive to them and repeats the same phrases over and over. The care staff have reported that he has become very irritable for most of the time and has also started to lash out when approached and has refused care and help from the female staff. 

Essay Questions Section 4 (total 500 words) 

▪ What factors might explain Frank’s increasing agitation? 

▪ What strategies might be useful in calming Frank and maintaining feelings of comfort and safety?

Appendix 1 

NMC (2018) Future Nurse: Standards of Proficiency for Registered Nurses London: Nursing and Midwifery Council. 

Standards of Proficiency 

Platform 2 – Promoting health and preventing ill health 


identify and use all appropriate opportunities, making reasonable adjustments when required, to discuss the impact of smoking, substance and alcohol use, sexual behaviours, diet and exercise on mental, physical, and behavioural health and wellbeing, in the context of people’s individual circumstances 


understand the importance of early years and childhood experiences and the possible impact on life choices, mental, physical health, and wellbeing 


explain and demonstrate the use of up-to-date approaches to behaviour change to enable people to use their strengths and expertise and make informed choices when managing their own health and making lifestyle adjustments 

Platform 3 – Assessing needs and planning care 


demonstrate and apply knowledge of human development from conception to death when undertaking full and accurate person-centred nursing assessments and developing appropriate care plans 

3.2 demonstrate and apply knowledge of body systems and homeostasis, human anatomy and physiology, biology, genomics, pharmacology, and social and behavioural sciences when undertaking full and accurate person-centred nursing assessments and developing appropriate care plans 

3.9 recognise and assess people at risk of harm and the situations that may put them at risk, ensuring prompt action is taken to safeguard those who are vulnerable 


demonstrate the skills and abilities required to recognise and assess people who show signs of self-harm and/or suicidal ideation 

Platform 4 – Providing and evaluating care 


demonstrate the knowledge and skills required to initiate and evaluate appropriate interventions to support people who show signs of self-harm and/or suicidal ideation 

Annexe A: Communication and relationship management skills 


assess motivation and capacity for behaviour change and clearly explain cause and effect relationships related to common health risk behaviours including smoking, obesity, sexual practice, alcohol and substance use 

Annexe B: Nursing procedures 

Part 1: Procedures for assessing people’s needs for person-centred care 

1. Use evidence-based, best practice approaches to take a history, observe, recognise and accurately assess people of all ages: 

1.1 mental health and wellbeing status 

1.1.1 signs of mental and emotional distress or vulnerability 

1.1.2 cognitive health status and wellbeing 

1.1.3 signs of cognitive distress and impairment 

1.1.4 behavioural distress-based needs 

1.1.5 signs of mental and emotional distress including agitation, aggression and challenging behaviour 

1.1.6 signs of self-harm and/or suicidal ideation 

2. Use evidence-based, best practice approaches to undertake the following procedures: 

2.11 recognise and respond to signs of all forms of abuse

Appendix 2

School of Health & Social Care

University of Essex


Student number
ProgrammeBSc. Adult Nursing BSc. Mental Health NursingAcademic level4
Module TitleFundamentals of Behavioural Sciences HS182/HS199
Assignment titleAssessment workbook

Either Your submission adheres to current published professional and regulatory codes applicable to your programme (or) Your submission adheres to the University of Essex Equality, Diversity Inclusion Policy 2019-2025.


Areas of concern – in future you must: enhance your understanding of the assessment brief and the concepts within.

Unsatisfactory – This submission is graded as a 0%.   Your work contravenes Code/Policy in the following areas:
CriteriaWhat you should demonstrate.Comments, as requiredMark
Knowledge & Critical Understanding (Maximum 20%)
You have shown that you have knowledge and understanding of the important concepts and principles required to undertake the assignment task.
Application of Data (Maximum 20%)
You have presented, evaluated and interpreted different data relevant to the assignment task You have made judgements based on the available data.
Problem solving (Maximum 20%)You have considered different approaches to solving problems relevant to the assignment task.

Communication & References  (Maximum 20%)
You have communicated clearly, accurately and reliably showing a good attention to detail. You have used references accurately and consistently.

Personal Learning & Transferable Skills (Maximum 20%)
You have applied the knowledge and skills that you possess and highlighted your own personal learning needs 

General Observations (optional)
If this module is 2nd marked:

1st Marker grade:
2nd Marker name:
2nd Marker grade: 
Record of reconciliation of grades where required:

If this submission was selected for moderation:

Moderator name:
If this submission was awarded a fail grade:

1st Marker grade:
2nd Marker name:
2nd Marker grade:
Record of reconciliation of grades where required:
Final Grade:  If this is a resubmission assignment; normal capping of marks will be applied by the relevant Examination Board, including, where relevant, any adjustment approved due to extenuating circumstances.

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