Foundations of Correction


You are working for Corrections Corporation of America (CCA) within the long-term planning department of private prisons. As a Private Prison Design Specialist, you have the authority to conceptualize future prisons around the prison issues of today and tomorrow, so your supervisor has turned to you to discuss some issues in a paper of 2–3 pages to be submitted for review. You have a reputation for thinking outside of the box while being realistic and because of this, your supervisor feels you can properly address alternatives to incarceration. Now you are to make the changes, as outlined below, based upon today’s resources and prison systems.


Prisons are overloaded with inmates who are incarcerated for drug offenses. What is an alternative to incarcerating them? Describe how you would handle this type of problem without incarceration, and give reasons supporting why your solution would be more cost-effective and prone to rehabilitation.

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