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Formula Calculation
Formula Calculation Start with the Excel workbook (spreadsheet) Formula Calculation.xlsx.
Formula Calculation Start with the Excel workbook (spreadsheet) Formula Calculation.xlsx. In the starting file, you will see constants A, B, C, D, and E in cells A2:A6 and in cells B2:B6, you will see their respective value. A partially completed table has also been provided that includes column headings for X1 and X2 in cells A8 and B8 respectively. The goal of this question is to correctly implement a function, which is provided below, in cells C9:C33 using correct order of operations. The formula you are assigned to calculate is shown below where the last term is D times X2 raised to the power E. F(X1,X2) = A + BX1 + CX1X2 + DX2^E
• Format all column headings (i.e. A1:B1, A8:C8, and E8) with a black fill, white font, and bold text.
• Apply all boarders to the following ranges: A1:B6, A8:C33, and E8:E33
• In cell C9, write an expression for the formula above in a manner that allows it to be copied into the remaining cells C10:C33. Remember to use relative or absolute references when needed.
• Format the cells C9:C33 to display two digits after the decimal.
• Format the cells C9:C33 to have a red font color with a yellow fill.
• Format the cells C9:C33 with boldface text and change the font size to 12 point.
Note: The correct values appear in column E to allow you to check your formulas.
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