Into the wild Intro to film final essay
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Reread your Viewing and Re-viewing notes II and your Annotated Bibliography for your film Into the Wild by Sean Penn.
My film is Into the wild and I will upload these documents one contains a list of resources you should use for the essay
In this assignment, you will bring together the skills you have developed over the course of a term to produce a coherent, 7 page (double spaced) critical essay addressed to an academic reader who
has seen the film you discuss but is not as familiar with the film as you are. Because this is not a long essay, you should focus sharply, using just a few examples to make one argument regarding
the formal qualities of the film and its impact (emotional, intellectual, or social).
A satisfactory essay will be immaculately proofread and conscientiously cited using MLA, and will demonstrate achievement of the goals for the course:
– visually analyze a film and acknowledge film as an art that invites diverse critical readings
– read a film and discuss it in relation to genre conventions and/or conventions of film form (narrative, documentary, experimental, etc.)
– develop a critical understanding of film as an industry with a specific economy, technology, and history
THIS IS IMPORTANT AND CRITICAL Because this is not a long essay, you should focus sharply, using just a few examples to make one argument regarding the formal qualities of the film and its impact
(emotional, intellectual, or social). You will be analyzing the film INTO THE WILD by sean penn

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