Family service foundation Inc..

Topic- Family service foundation Inc..


You will be conducting an in-depth analysis of a nonprofit organization’s marketing efforts. You can continue to use the same nonprofit you chose for the marketing journal or choose another one. It is up to you! There are three parts to complete for this assignment. You should label each part separately, but will turn into the assignment folder as one complete eight-page, double-spaced, paper. Since this assignment builds on the first one you may even find some of the information will come in handy again!


Bloom’s for the Nonprofit Case Study:


Remembering – finding, storing, recalling and describing information.                                                 Understanding – explaining and constructing meaningful ideas and concepts.


Multimedia/Social Media: These are sites I think you should be familiar with and suggest the use of these sites towards the assignment. The purpose here is to introduce you to sites you may not be familiar with and to apply them in the context of a specified learning outcome, in this case, your Case Study.

Fotobabble – managing marketing campaigns


Scribd – digital library


Podomatics – create a podcast promotion

Fisti – online polls to gather both internal and external information


Part 1

Prepare a two page, double-spaced paper including:


the name of the nonprofit organization you will study

the organization’s mission statement

an annotated bibliography of at least five sources you will use to find information on your nonprofit and a brief description about why you chose this source should follow each citation.


Part 2

Continuing with your selected nonprofit organization, Part 2 of your case study will be your analysis of the organization’s marketing mix (remember those four P’s). Include a discussion/diagram of two target audiences. Please use a Venn Diagram here as an analogy to compare the similar/ and non-similar characteristics and attributes of these audiences. This helps to recognize common needs and establish economies of scale for resource allocation.

Sample of a Venn Diagram:


A Venn Diagram is a graphical illustration of the relationships between and among sets of data, groups or objects that share something in common. The Venn Diagram is made up of two or more overlapping circles that show all possible logical relations between a finite collection of sets. The Venn Diagram uses illustrative circles to show areas of overlap and separation between data.

Part 2 of your nonprofit case study should be three double-spaced pages in length.


Part 3

Select one of the target audiences identified in Part 2, preferably the target audience most closely aligned with the organization’s mission. For example, the American Diabetes Association targets doctors, diabetes educators, patients, family of patients, and donors. The primary audience is patients with diabetes. These five criteria compose your summary report of this paper. Comment on each of the following:

  1. State in your own words, the value proposition of the nonprofit towards your selected target audience.
  2. How might the organization facilitate the exchange of its value proposition with the target audience?
  3. Evaluate the competitive position of your organization (hint: might use a SWOT Analysis here).
  4. Comment on the organizations branding strategy, is it a recognizable brand, why?
  5. What types of communications strategies is the organization currently using or could be using?

Part 3 of your nonprofit case study should be three double-spaced pages in length.


Once again, to complete the assignment all three parts will merge into one single paper, to be submitted in your assignment folder. I suggest you label each part in your paper, as you complete the required elements.

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