Exercising leadership while taking into account existing organizational realities

answering the following questions in developing answering and please don’t rewrite the question and just put the number next each question:
1. As a new executive, how can one exercise leadership while taking into account existing organizational realities? How can arguments and examples from the ICMA case book and James Q. Wilson book help to answer the questions?
2. The functional vs. legislative theories of American Federalism; which of the two better explains recent trends in American Federalism; what difficulties the national government may encounter when it tries to develop and implement redistributive programs.
3. The key elements of polycentric system of local government. The advantages and disadvantages of such a system for solving governance problem in large metropolitan areas.
4. Why federalist paper #10 and #51 are key to understanding American public administration
5. In what way are the concept of “self-interest rightly understood” and “reciprocity” relevant for the study of public administration
6. What can government do to create social capital, enhance civic collaboration, and promote societal expectation for rule conformance
7. Why the prisoner’s dilemma game is relevant to public administration. Methods and principles for resolving the prisoner’s dilemma
8. How can we minimize the negative impacts of politics on our role as public administrator? How can institutional design reduce undesirable political pressure on city managers?
9. How can we prevent the Peter Principle from becoming a pervasive problem in an organization
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