Evaluate the internet as an academic source for writing assignments at university

“Evaluate the internet as an academic source for writing assignments at university“
Order Description
Brief: Seek out a variety of quotes and summaries from a range of sources text books / journals and web sites (minimum of 6 overall ) that would provide useful research information for writing the following essay;

“Evaluate the internet as an academic source for writing assignments at university“
Write an essay to answer the essay title ( above) using quotes and summaries to back up and support your claims as well as writing your own words.

Once you have located and read 6 different sources ( To include text books, journals and online material) you should choose a SMALL amount of information from each source ( some quotes and some summarised in your own words) to prove you have read and understood the source. (You should either quote from the source or summarise a small paragraph or use a diagram/chart. You must then use the correct in text citation to give authority to your chosen information.) The research must be relevant to the essay title.
The quotes and summaries you use must be incorporated into the essay and make grammatical sense.

Write a complete reference list to match the in text citations using the APA system on the final page ( separate page to the essay).
All references should follow the APA System of referencing.

The work will be word processed.

Word count – 750 words
Please see page 4 for Turnitin UK guidelines for submitting the assessment.
Aim: To produce high quality, relevant research to support a typical academic assessment, showing clear and accurate referencing skills.
“Evaluate the internet as an academic source for writing assignments at university“
Order Description

Brief: Seek out a variety of quotes and summaries from a range of sources text books / journals and web sites (minimum of 6 overall ) that would provide useful research information for writing the following essay;

“Evaluate the internet as an academic source for writing assignments at university“
Write an essay to answer the essay title ( above) using quotes and summaries to back up and support your claims as well as writing your own words.

Once you have located and read 6 different sources ( To include text books, journals and online material) you should choose a SMALL amount of information from each source ( some quotes and some summarised in your own words) to prove you have read and understood the source. (You should either quote from the source or summarise a small paragraph or use a diagram/chart. You must then use the correct in text citation to give authority to your chosen information.) The research must be relevant to the essay title.
The quotes and summaries you use must be incorporated into the essay and make grammatical sense.

Write a complete reference list to match the in text citations using the APA system on the final page ( separate page to the essay).
All references should follow the APA System of referencing.

The work will be word processed.

Word count – 750 words
Please see page 4 for Turnitin UK guidelines for submitting the assessment.
Aim: To produce high quality, relevant research to support a typical academic assessment, showing clear and accurate referencing skills.
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Student Assessment Brief

Module: ILSC
Assessment title: Research and Referencing
Weighting: 10%
Pass mark: 60%
Hand in – Thursday 18th Feb, 2016 via Turnitin UK.

Brief: Seek out a variety of quotes and summaries from a range of sources text books / journals and web sites (minimum of 6 overall ) that would provide useful research information for writing the following essay;

• “Evaluate the internet as an academic source for writing assignments at university“
1. Write an essay to answer the essay title ( above) using quotes and summaries to back up and support your claims as well as writing your own words.

2. Once you have located and read 6 different sources ( To include text books, journals and online material) you should choose a SMALL amount of information from each source ( some quotes and some summarised in your own words) to prove you have read and understood the source. (You should either quote from the source or summarise a small paragraph or use a diagram/chart. You must then use the correct in text citation to give authority to your chosen information.) The research must be relevant to the essay title.
3. The quotes and summaries you use must be incorporated into the essay and make grammatical sense.

4. Write a complete reference list to match the in text citations using the APA system on the final page ( separate page to the essay).
5. All references should follow the APA System of referencing.

6. The work will be word processed.

7. Word count – 750 words
8. Please see page 4 for Turnitin UK guidelines for submitting the assessment.
Aim: To produce high quality, relevant research to support a typical academic assessment, showing clear and accurate referencing skills.

Objectives: Learning Outcomes to be assessed and Marking Criteria

Learning Outcomes Criteria to demonstrate outcome
1.. Produce evidence of effective research and demonstrate and ability to accurately reference work according to the APA system of referencing. i. Produce an accurate reference list in the APA Style following all the rule as explained in class and the Swansea University APA Guide.

ii. Demonstrate accurate citations within the main body of the text.
iii. Illustrate clear research skills by using a variety of sources.

2. Recognise the importance of individuality in academic work and clearly demonstrate an avoidance of plagiarism through effective summarising and referencing. i. Demonstrate summarising skills by using own words and ideas.

ii. use of appropriate and relevant quotations, accurately referenced

iii. Show an ability to effectively summarise relevant, chosen information.
3. Apply basic research techniques to sourcing and selecting appropriate academic data and literature. i. The student will show use of library facilities by using text books relevant to the research question.

ii. The student should demonstrate knowledge of Journals by selecting Journal titles and articles relevant to the research question.

4. Develop skills in Non-verbal communication. ( writing skills, including spelling & grammar i. Demonstrate neat, word processed work with front cover, assignment title, student ID numbers, class name.
ii. Show accurate punctuation.

iii. Demonstrate ability to produce written work without grammatical/ spelling errors.

Assessment issue date: week 1

Assessment submission deadlines: week 4

• Final copy to be submitted via TURNITIN February 18th 2016 before 5:00 pm]

Assessment submission policy
Please note that this assessment may only be submitted via Turnitin at http://www.turnitinuk.com/en_gb/home
• You will receive an e-mail from Turnitin providing you with instructions
• You are advised to submit before the deadline
• Turnitin automatically rejects late submissions
• Turnitin will e-mail you with a receipt to acknowledge successful submission
• Keep your assessment receipts from Turnitin safe in case you need them at a later stage!
• You will need to copy and paste the below student declaration into Turnitin for each assessment that you submit;
“I declare that this assessment is my own work and that the sources of information and material I have used (including the internet) have been fully identified and properly acknowledged as required in the referencing guidelines provided.”
Group assignments
• Please note that it is the responsibility of every group member to ensure that a single copy of the completed assignment is submitted to Turnitin before the deadline.
• It is not acceptable to nominate one person to be responsible for the uploading of assignments to Turnitin. All group members must take equal responsibility and it is recommended that all group members are present to witness the successful uploading of the work to Turnitin.
• Failure to submit on time to Turnitin will result in all members of the group receiving a mark of 0 for the work.
Late assessment submission policy
• Submissions rejected by Turnitin are awarded a mark of zero (0%)
• Candidates who fail to submit work by the deadline shall be awarded a mark of zero (0%)
• Candidates who are prevented from meeting such deadlines due to mitigating circumstances may apply to the College for consideration to be granted an extension.
• Requests will need to be made by submitting a mitigating circumstances form which students can collect from ICWS reception or print a copy from the documents section on Portal.
• All requests must be supported by formal evidence
• Late submission will not be authorised because of problems using Turnitin / not being able to access a computer etc…..it is your responsibility to ensure that you know what to do and to do so in good time before the deadlines!
To achieve the following grades you need to demonstrate:

Grade Criteria
70-100% • Clear understanding of the assessment specification and mark scheme. Students should ensure they carry out the assignment using the clear instructions given.
• Accurate in text citations and an accurate reference list.
• A mix of Summaries and quotations without over reliance on one or the other.
• Demonstrating wide area of research by choosing the quotes/summaries that are most relevant to the essay question.
• Excellent punctuation/spelling/grammar.
• Directly answer the essay question.
• Have a clearly structured answer.
60-69% • Largely accurate in text citations and reference list although likely to contain some errors or omissions.
• Basic understanding of the assessment criteria/assignment specifications.
• Some evidence of research but not necessarily wide and varied.
• Relevant quotes/summaries.
• Satisfactory levels of punctuation/spelling/grammar.
• A sound essay structure
• Most parts of the essay title are adressed
F – Fail
Less than 60 • Poor understanding of the assessment criteria.
• Poor effort in research techniques allowing for many omissions.
• Largely inaccurate referencing and not following the APAStyle.
• Poor punctuation/spelling/grammar.
• Some relevant research including quotes and or summaries may be produced.
• May not be well structured.
• Not all parts of the essay title addressed.
Coursework / Assignment submission policy – VERY IMPORTANT – PLEASE READ CAREFULLY

Turnitin submissions:
coursework/assignments may only be submitted via the Turnitin UK website (www.submit.ac.uk)
The class ID for this assignment will be put on moodle when the register has been uploaded to TURNITINUK – you will be notified by your tutor.

• Coursework/Assignments cannot be submitted by hard copy to ICWS reception, submissions will only be accepted electronically via the Turnitin website.
• Candidates who fail to submit work by the deadline shall be awarded a mark of zero (0%) and a fail.
• Candidates who are prevented from meeting such deadlines due to mitigating circumstances may apply to the College for consideration to be granted an extension.
• Requests will need to be made by submitting a mitigating circumstances form available from ICWS reception and the ‘Documents’ section of Portal. These must be substantiated with appropriate formal evidence.
• Late submission will not be authorised because of problems using Turnitin / not being able to access a computer etc…..it is each student’s responsibility to ensure that they know what to do and to do so in good time before the deadline.

Turnitin submission alone = not submitted, therefore 0%

Turnitin will close for this assignment on Friday 19th June at 17.00 DO NOT leave it until the last minute because if you suffer problems with the technology, this WILL NOT be a valid excuse and a failure to upload will result in 0%.
ALWAYS upload early and during college hours so you can find support if things go wrong for you.

Please remember to keep your assignment receipts
• If the assignment is late it will automatically receive a zero mark (0%)

Please remember to keep your assignment receipts from Reception safe in case you need them at a later stage!
Learning Outcomes Criteria to demonstrate outcome Grade
1.. Produce evidence of effective research and demonstrate and ability to accurately reference work according to the APA system of referencing. i. Produce an accurate reference list in the APA Style following all the rule as explained in class and the ICWS APA Reference Guide

ii. Demonstrate accurate citations within the main body of the text.

iii. Illustrate clear research skills by using a variety of sources

2. Recognise the importance of individuality in academic work and clearly demonstrate an avoidance of plagiarism through effective summarising and referencing. i. Demonstrate summarising skills by using own words and ideas.

ii. use of appropriate and relevant quotations, accurately referenced

iii. Show an ability to effectively summarise relevant, chosen information.

3. Apply basic research techniques to sourcing and selecting appropriate academic data and literature. i. The student will show use of library facilities by using text books relevant to the research question.

ii. The student should demonstrate knowledge of Journals by selecting Journal titles and articles relevant to the research question

4. Develop skills in Non-verbal communication. ( writing skills, including spelling & grammar i. Demonstrate neat, word processed work with front cover, assignment title, student ID numbers, class name.
ii. Show accurate punctuation.

iii. Demonstrate ability to produce written work without grammatical/ spelling errors.

STAFF USE ONLY (Please tick)

On time Late – 0%
Staff Signature Date
Assessed Grade: Assessed Mark: FINAL MARK:

Marking scheme
In text citations accurately recorded in the APA style . 24/

In text citations are relevant to the essay question. 12/

A mix of summaries and quotations to show a varied style and understanding 6/

Accurate spelling and grammar 10/

A range of sources – to include books/academic journals and online sources 6/
Sources are academic in quality
Reference List in the APA style

Alphabetical order of the list and a hanging indent used 30/

Evaluate the internet as an academic source for writing

Evaluate the internet as an academic source for writing assignments at university

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