Environmental report

Required Topics: You MUST select and address THREE from BOTH Category One AND Category Two Issues. (Total of SIX)

Optional: Address extra issues for extra credit. More issues= more credit.

Category One Issues: Select Any Two
• Air pollution: particle pollution, ozone pollution, greenhouse gases, asthma, smog, lost productivity from work and school, and ?
• Water pollution: sewerage, dumped substances, BPA contamination, PCP contamination, illnesses caused and?

• Poverty: how many meet the federal definition of poverty, health problems for both individuals and society associated with poverty
• Violence: prevalence of family violence and its effects on both individuals and society; prevalence of non-familial violent crime and its effects on both individuals and society; monetary cost of gun violence per year—medical care, adjudication, prison costs

Category Two Issues: Select Any Two
• Obesity: prevalence, causes, monetary cost per year to treat/control

• Heart Disease: prevalence, causes, monetary cost per year to treat/control

• Diabetes: prevalence, causes, monetary cost per year to treat/control

• Smoking: prevalence, associated illnesses (both direct and passive), monetary costs to society to treat its devastation

Silly Example:

Foot odor is a serious problem that affects an estimated 20,000,000 Americans each year. Many people may not even be aware that they have smelly feet. It’s suspected causes are poor hygiene, footwear that lacks ventilation, and thin socks made of synthetic fibers. Americans spend $20 million each year of foot powders and other medicines. Those lacking treatment may lose out on jobs because of their offensive smell, so the monetary cost is likely in the billions of dollars. Additionally people with smelly feet may be socially isolated and need treatment for depression, costing society millions of dollars on therapy and drug treatments in addition to time lost from work. My suggestions are:
Nationally: Congress acts to offer tax breaks to companies that produce and sell properly ventilated shoes in the United States. Shoes made elsewhere will not qualify for the tax credits. Funds allocated for small businesses producing such shoes to qualify for grants from Small Business Administration. Shoes lacking proper ventilation will be subject to an excise tax of $25 per pair to deter people from buying such shoes. Tax subsidy for bamboo and hemp farmers as well as for sock manufacturers (all in USA) that meet the goals of 30% bamboo or hemp content by 2015.
President will use federal bureaucracy to enact rules specifying what constitutes a properly ventilated shoe.

State: Legislature: Fund local initiatives to teach and promote good foot hygiene in the community. Levy an excise tax of its own, in the amount of $20 per pair on improperly ventilated shoes. Education mandate for public schools. Create tax credit for shoe and sock manufacturers to make compliant products within the state.
Executive: State inspectors visit retailers to check for compliance.

Local: Public health nurses offer foot health clinics to the public. Public schools teach foot health in health and gym class. Mayor declares Foot Health Awareness campaign. City Council budgets promotion of above events.

My policies use reward power of tax incentives to encourage compliance, coercive power of excise tax on those that insist on making foolish choices. My plans respect individual autonomy to make foolish choices by continuing to allow such products on the market with a high tax to discourage their purchase.

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