Enhancing urban barrier free mobility in developing cities Essay Dissertation Research Help

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Handicapped rights have been one of the subjects with considerable discussion over the years and the word handicapped means not able to use part of your body or your mind because it has been damaged or does not work normally (Cambridge dictionary), it can be since birth or happened during the lifetime. Their ability to integrate and interact with the society involve their safety at the first place then things such as equal work opportunity , communications tools and languages and access to transportation which will be our topic in this study . At the begging we should understand the barriers that face the handicapped to practice a normal life, according to Wikipedia there are three types of barriers, first attitudinal barriers which caused by the people who only consider and focus on the disability when dealing with handicapped people, this barrier lead to some attitudes like bullying verbally or actually, fear and over sensitive treatment, these barriers need a social and psychological solutions that will not discuss in this study. On the other hand the environmental barriers affect the level of involvement in regular day activates as a consequence of a place that inaccessible, a part from this barriers that complicate the access of the handicapped to transport from environmental aspect also from an intuitional aspect with laws and regulation in different states that represent a barrier and discriminate handicapped people to be active in our societies.
Most of the previous studies in this subject found out that there is a direct link between the economical and political situation of the country and the laws and measures that applied in these countries, as it shows that in most of the developed countries there are many laws that protect people with disabilities rights, along with that many associations and organisations keep an eye on that to make sure that the laws actually fits the people needs. The reflection of that in the field of urban transport will be analysed carefully to spot the light on the organisational differences and most important is to examine the possibility to create a barrier-free mobility in developing cities.

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