English for oral Communication



  1. This assignment contains only TWO (2) questions that is set in the language of the printed module for the course.


  1. Answer in


  1. Download the language version of the assignment template concerned from the myINSPIRE for preparation and submission of your assignment. Your assignment should be typed using 12 point Times New Roman font and 1.5 line spacing.


  1. Your assignment should be between 2500 to 3000 words excluding Do not copy the assignment question and instructions to your answer. Only assignment answer developed within the approximate word limit will be assessed. The number of words should be shown at the end of your assignment.


  1. You must submit your assignment TO YOUR FACE-TO-FACE TUTOR. You are advised to keep a copy of your submitted assignment for personal reference.


  1. Your assignment must be submitted between 4th 6th November 2016 or Tutorial 4. Submission after 6th November 2016 or Tutorial 4 will NOT be accepted.


  1. Your assignment should be prepared individually. You should not copy another person’s assignment. You should also not plagiarise another person’s work as your own.


  1. Please take note that PENALTY will be imposed on late submission of assignment as specified in the Registrar’s Office circular 6/2012 (Refer to Registrar’s Announcement in myVLE).



English for oral Communication








This assignment accounts for 30% of the total marks for the course and shall be assessed based on the Rubrics or Answer Scheme attached.


You would be given feedback on the assignment before the Final Semester Examination commences.




Warning: The submitted assignment will automatically undergo a similarity check. If plagiarism is detected, marks would be deducted as follows:


No. Similarity Percentage (%) Marks Deduction (%)
1. 0 – 30 0
2. 30.01 – 50 5
3. 50.01 – 70 10
4. 70.01 – 100 100



Assignments found to have similarities under any of the categories above; will not be entitled to apply for appeal. For learners who fall into the 70.01-100 similarities group, the access for online appeal for assignment remarking of the subject will be disabled from the appeal options.




Please note that there are three components for OUMH1303 course as follows:


No. Assessment Type Marks Percentage Remarks
(a) Assignment 30 30% Written and Presentation
(b) Oral Examination 40 40% ·         Scenario based


·         Oral Exam is scheduled for / between Tutorial 4 and before the Final Examination day

·         To be conducted in Learning Centre


(Notes to Tutor:

Please refer to Administrator at the Learning Centre – OUMH1303–Guidelines for Conducting Oral Exam)

(c) Final Examination 60 30% 10 short questions x 6 marks = 60 marks


(To be converted to 30%)

Exam duration: 1 hour




English for oral Communication



The assignment is divided into TWO parts: written text and oral presentation.


The written text must contain the following: the written report, the collection of interview findings and the references.


The oral presentation is a 5-10 minute verbal presentation of your report or the findings from your interviews.


  1. Written Text (20 %)


You have been assigned to write a report for your company / school on the following topic:

“How to Improve Oral Communication Skills in English”.


Your report must consist of three parts:


  1. A written report that contains a synthesis and collection of ideas on the topic based on definitions, terms, ideas, views, techniques in improving the aforementioned skills, etc. found in journals / books / newspapers / the Internet.

Remember to include the references at the end of your report.


  1. Views about the topic from FIVE people from different work / study settings. You may interview your respondents by asking them questions such as:

– How can Malaysians improve their speaking/oral skills?

– How do you develop your oral skills?

– What do you do to make sure you English skills are developed? / etc.


Your respondents’ ideas may be different from one another and from you but include them as well. You may summarise their ideas in paragraph form. Include any background information e.g. respondents’ age, gender, place of work or study, etc. that may influence their views on oral communication.


  1. A list of references.
  2. Oral Presentation (10%)


  1. This task consists of a 5-10 minute oral presentation of a section of your report. Because of time limitation, you are encouraged to select a section of your report for the oral presentation; the introduction, the main findings or the summation. Alternatively, you may also talk about the interviews that you carried out and/or the problems you encountered during the interviews.


  1. You may use any form of visual aid if you wish, e.g. Powerpoint slides, posters, pictures / photographs, etc. If you use any, include them with your written text.


  1. Do not memorise the full text or read the report.





  1. Written Text – (including the report, interview findings and references)
  2. Oral presentation (including copies of visual aid used, if any)





  1. Written Text – (including the report, interview findings and references) – 20 marks
  2. Oral presentation (including copies of visual aid used, if any) – 10 marks

Total: 30 marks





  1. References in APA style must be included and taken from reliable sources such as books and journals. You may refer to: http://www.emich.edu/halle/style_guides.html to view the details and samples of APA style.


 [Total A+B: 30 marks]





Assignment Rubrics






A.WRITTEN TEXT (20 marks):

10 marks are allocated for report and 10 marks are allocated for interview findings.


1) Report: (10 marks)






Descriptors Scores


















Very Good to Excellent:



Substantive and knowledgeable development of assigned topic; ideas are relevant to topic; ideas appropriately and interestingly selected from various sources; ideas logically and coherently stated; supported and sequenced; overall cohesiveness achieved. A wide range of sources selected from different areas, e.g. journals / books / newspapers / the Internet. Uses the proper APA style and appears well-organised.


Average to Good:

Some knowledge of assigned topic; adequate range of ideas; ideas are mostly relevant to topic but lack details; loosely organised but main ideas stand out; limited support; logical but incomplete sequencing. A fair range of sources selected from different areas, e.g. journals / books / newspapers / the Internet. Uses the proper APA style.


Poor to Fair:

Limited knowledge of the assigned topic; ideas are of little substance and inadequate; ideas are somewhat confused or disconnected; lacks logical sequencing and development. A limited range of sources selected from different areas, e.g. journals / books / newspapers / the Internet. Does not use the proper APA style and/or appears disorganized.

































Very Good to Excellent:

Very effective use of complex sentence structure; sophisticated and effective range of vocabulary; appropriate register; few grammatical errors.


Average to Good:

Effective simple sentences; adequate range of vocabulary; several grammatical errors but meaning not obscured.


Poor to Fair:

Major problems in use of simple sentences; limited and repetitive choice of vocabulary; frequent grammatical errors causing unclear meaning.

















2) Interview Findings: (10 marks)


Level Descriptors Scores




















Interesting synthesis of interview findings adapted from a wide range of interviews; well-organised and clearly sequenced.


Satisfactory synthesis of interesting and relevant materials from a number of interviews; well-organised and sequenced.


Poor synthesis of interview findings from a limited range of sources

irrelevant to topic; poorly organised and presented.











English for oral Communication


  1. ORAL PRESENTATION (10 marks):




Descriptors Scores




(high pass)







Excellent presenter who performs task competently; able to present ideas coherently and clearly; uses appropriate voice volume and intonation; responses well to audience; uses suitable linguistic features; communication is not at all affected by minor errors; natural and no reading of prepared speech.



















Satisfactory presenter who performs task effectively; able to present ideas coherently and clearly for most of the time; uses acceptable voice volume and intonation; generally reacts well to audience; uses some suitable linguistic features; communication generally not affected by errors; some reading from prepared speech but not too obvious.  









(low pass)


Less than satisfactory presenter; some ideas are lost or confusing in explanation, uses inappropriate voice volume (too soft) or intonation; doesn’t know how to react to audience or ignores audience; uses poor linguistic features; communication sometimes affected by major errors; some reading from prepared speech.








Poor presenter with little or no communication taking place; shows inability to perform task; cannot respond to audience; incoherent and poor use of language features; total reading from prepared speech.



English for oral Communication

English for oral Communication

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