Earth as a Dynamic Planet Essay Dissertation Help

Earth as a Dynamic Planet

Order Description
ES 2123
The Dynamic Earth
The Earth is a dynamic planet – show and discuss.
As part of the course requirements for students enrolled in ES 2123, each student will submit an
original essay of her/his own effort on any topic within the context of the course that highlights
the Earth as a dynamic planet. Examples of the Earth’s dynamism include (but are not limited
• 1. Earth’s magnetic field, including a) changes in the outer-core process that generates it,
b) aurorae, c) magnetic field reversals: are we entering one at this time?
• 2. Lithospheric plate motions and associated phenomena, such as a) continental drift, b)
crustal recycling, c) earthquakes, d) tsunamis.
• 3. Earth’s heat engine: e.g., a) mantle convection, b) liquid outer core, c) volcanoes.
• 4. Earth’s gravitational field, including a) solid or liquid tides, b) free oscillations, c)
change in Earth’s rotation axis, d) the Earth-moon system.
• 5. Dynamic surface processes, such as a) volcanism, b) impact cratering.
Each of these topics (e.g 1b, or 4c, or 5b) could serve as the basis for your essay. If you choose
another topic and are unsure as to its suitability, please check with Dr. Neish before beginning
your literature review. You are expected to research the topic using books, research articles in
journals, reliable websites, etc. Do not reference the course notes.
Since many of these topics will be discussed in class, essays that simply contain material
presented in class will receive a low grade.
Essay Guidelines:
Text length: 10 pages minimum, 12 pages maximum
Format: – Electronic version only (do not submit paper copy)
– Filename: YOURLASTNAME_yourtopic.doc (e.g. NEISH_volcanism.doc)
– Typed with double-spaced text.
– Title page: all titles will have “The Dynamic Earth” along with the specific
topic chosen (e.g., “The Dynamic Earth: Volcanism”).
– Title page must indicate course number, your name, lecturer’s name, student
number, date submitted.
– Margins: 1 inch on all sides.
– Font size: 12 point.
– Number the pages
Figures: – Unlimited number. These are in addition to the 10 pages of text required
– ALL figures must be collected in a group at the end of the text part of the
paper (i.e. do not include figures within the text of the paper).
– Each figure must be numbered and referred to in the text.
– Each figure must have caption and reference (e.g., Fig. 2: Fluid flow in the
outer core (Jacobs, 1992)).
References used in your essay must be cited throughout the text as in the following examples:
“Cyclic changes in the orientation of the rotation axis of the Earth are
called Milankovitch cycles (Stacey, 1992).”
“Pulsating auroras are so-called because their features shift and brighten
in distinct patches, rather than elongated arcs across the sky like active
auroras (”
If there are one or two authors, give both surnames in the citation and the year (e.g.,
Romanowicz and Knittle, 2003). If there are three or more authors, give the first author surname
only along with “et al.” and the year (e.g., Bridgman et al., 1905). All references cited in the text
and figures must be listed, in alphabetical order, in the reference list at the end of the text on a
separate page. Examples for a book, a research paper in a journal, and a website are given below.
Use the formats below.
The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Earth Sciences, ed. D.G. Smith, 2nd edition, Cambridge
University press, Cambridge, 1989, 496 pages.
Journal Article/Paper
Yukutake, T., The inner core and the surface heat flow as clues to estimating the initial
temperature of the Earth’s core. Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, pages 103-137,
Volume 121, Issues 1-2, 2000.
NOTE: Most websites contain information that is not peer reviewed (as in a book or research
article in a journal) and therefore is not checked for accuracy and scientific rigor. Please limit the
websites from which you obtain information (facts or figures) to those belonging to reputable
agencies and institutions (e.g., government agencies, research institutions, etc.). In general,
an essay that cites only websites will receive a lower grade than one that cites books and/or
research articles in journals.
Due Date and Instructions
Essays are due by 5:00 pm on the last day of class for this course, Tuesday, December 6,
2016. Essays will be submitted via the OWL course website, under the assignments link. A
paper copy submission of the assignment is not needed. A penalty of 10% per day will be
assessed for late submissions.
You must:
1. Submit only one attachment.
2. Only use file types: Word, PDF, HTML, RTF, or plain text.
3. Always include file extension.
Marking Scheme
Style – 10%
Format – 10%
Grammar – 20%
Research – 30%
Clarity and Discussion – 30%

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