Does ‘freedom as non-domination’ offer a better conception of liberty than ‘freedom as non-interference’? Essay Dissertation Help

Does ‘freedom as non-domination’ offer a better conception of liberty than ‘freedom as non-interference’?
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a Political Theory (Political philosophy, History of political thought, Ethics, and sometimes Formal Logic) essay postgraduate level. The usual approach is a systematic approach which purely entails analytical philosophy. Usual political theory essays do not require long introductions, the prime focus is on the body and the argument you present. Thus, in this case the intro can be 100 words max and 50 words a roadmap of the essay. 5-6 Sources including pager numbers both in citations as well as bibliography.

An overview and guidance on the synopsis of first content of body:

The body is the main part, which will first have a synopsis on “freedom as non-domination” that is usually known as the third conception of freedom (Republican or Neo-roman theory of freedom) developed by two notorious contemporary philosophers ( Philip Pettit and Quentin skinner) who both are strictly in favor of the so called third conception of freedom as “non-domination”. Nevertheless, this republican conception is constructed as an antithesis of Liberal conception of the two conceptions of freedom ( negative vs positive ) which have been developed by two liberal thinkers Benjamin constant (ancient vs modern conception) and Isaiah Berlin ( negative vs positive conception).

Additionally, the scope of the essay should be on Ian Carter and Matthew H. kramer as critical (non-liberal) theorist of the republican conception of freedom as “non-domination” since they are not satisfied and find skinner and pettits account on freedom implausible.

Key text to focus on:

1) “Liberty and Domination” Matthew H kramer
2) How are power and unfreedom related? Ian carter
3)”Freedom as the absence of arbitrary power” Quentin skinner
4) Republican Freedom: three axioms, four theorems. Phillip Pettit
5) Freedom as non-domination, Phillip Pettit

(1) a good understanding of a variety of methodological approaches to
conducting political theory research and key texts on the concept of liberty
(2) critically evaluate methodological approaches to political theory
research and substantive views on the concept of liberty
(3) be able to critically examine texts in political theory
(4) develop their ability to form philosophical arguments and
communicate those arguments both orally and in writing
If there is any further clarification requires please approach me on the given email.

provide you with the additional material in the section below. 1- Patten A. The Republican Critique of Liberalism. British Journal of Political Science. 26(01):25-44. 2- Shumer SM. Machiavelli: Republican Politics and Its Corruption. Political Theory. 7(1):5-34. 2) The argument of the essay should be a critique of republicanism ( republican conception of freedom) by utilizing and agreeing with Ian carter and Mathew H. kramer. 3) The file i have uploaded is my previous essay. The purpose of the upload is in order to follow the similar style of writing and language used in the uploaded essay. Also, the reference style.

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