Discuss the “Missing Women” in developing countries
Order Description
It may be helpful to think of this topic from the following aspects :
Length: 1650 excluding diagrams and tables.
1. You may start the essay with theories on “Missing Women” – What does “Missing
Women” mean? How do we calculate the actual number of missing women?2. You could extend the discussion by using the existing evidence in one or more particularcountries – In which country or
countries have we found empirical evidence of missingwomen? From the time dimension, are there more or less missing women in thecountries you discuss? If there is a change of the time trend of
number of missingwomen in these countries, what could be the possible reasons behind this observation?3. Why are women missing in developing countries? In particular, what are the
proposedexplanations in the existing literature regarding the missing women in the countries you
Suggested references (you are encouraged to use academic literature beyond these asreferences in your essay):
Nancy Qian, 2008, “Missing Women and the Price of Tea in China: The Effect of Sex-SpecificEarnings on Sex Imbalance,” The Quarterly Journal of Economics, Oxford University Press, vol.123(3), pages
Deaton, A. 1989. “Looking for Boy-Girl Discrimination in Household Expenditures.” World BankEconomic Review3 (1): 1-15.
Shang-Jin Wei & Xiaobo Zhang, 2011, “The Competitive Saving Motive: Evidence from Rising SexRatios and Savings Rates in China,” Journal of Political Economy, University of Chicago Press, vol.119
(3), pages 511 – 564.
Ebenstein, A. (2010). The Missing Girls of China and the Unintended Consequences of the OneChild Policy, Journal of Human Resources, vol. 45(1).

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