Design and develop learning strategies

Design and develop learning strategies

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Qualification Code /Title TAE50111 Diploma of Vocational Education and Training (and/or)
TAE50211 Diploma of Training Design and Delivery
Competency Code/Title TAEDES501A Design and develop learning strategies
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I confirm the work in this assignment/workbook is my own work. I have clearly stated the source of any work/documents not my own work (eg research information from the Internet).
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ASSESSMENT 1 Tasks 1.1 – 1.8
ASSESSMENT 2 Project Part 1
ASSESSMENT 3 Project Part 2
ASSESSMENT 4 Discussion Questions
Assessor’s feedback to student:

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Design and Develop Learning Strategies

Developed and produced from the following resource:
Professional Training and Development
A complete course for TAE10
Diploma TAE50111 and TAE50211
By Dan Hill, Terry Hill, Lee Perlitz
Alana Kaye Training

Email: [email protected]

Version Control

Version Changes Date
Workbook produced
June 2015
Notes for students:
This Assessment Workbook has been designed for students completing the unit TAEDES501A and is used in conjunction with the text book produced by McGraw Hill Education. It is not intended for students who do not have access to the following textbook:
• Professional Training and Assessment – A complete course for TAE10 Diploma TAE50111 and TAE50211 by Dan Hill, Terry Hill and Lee Perlitz. (ISBN: 9781743076156)
You are also required to complete a work-based project to assess your ability to apply your skills and knowledge in the workplace. As units of competency have been clustered for this project, please refer to the Project Assessment for this unit.
This competency standard has the following critical aspects of evidence:
• present a minimum of two examples of learning strategies designed by the candidate with differentiated design structures in each that:
• reflect the specific requirements of the qualification or skill set, and
• reflect client needs and contexts of application
• implement at least one learning strategy
• document a review which provides outcomes and evidence of continuous improvement

You must demonstrate the following required knowledge:
• Training Packages, including content of Training Packages relevant to learning strategy
• relevant accredited courses
• Australian Quality Training Framework (AQTF) for registered training organisations (RTOs)
• Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) including:
o key features of each qualification level
o guidelines on cross-sector qualification linkages
• industry and enterprise knowledge, such as:
o industry or enterprise requirements relevant to the learning strategy
o industry licensing arrangements, where relevant
• the main branches of learning theory incorporating behavioral learning theory; cognitive learning theory; experiential learning theory; information processing theory and current research on learning as it relates to teaching in an adult environment
• instructional learning design
• assessment approaches, including:
o the basis and rationale for different assessment methods appropriate to the learning strategy.

You must demonstrate the following required skills:
• communication skills to collaborate with others on the strategy development
• literacy skills to write the learning strategy in accordance with design requirements
• planning skills to:
o organise and structure the development process
o identify measures to monitor progress
• research skills and techniques to gather and interpret information relevant to the content and development of the learning strategy.

Your Assessment Workbook will be assessed by an assessor as soon as possible. If sufficient evidence is not provided, you will be given appropriate feedback and an opportunity to resubmit. Final assessment (including workplace projects) will result in a grade of Competent or Not Yet Competent.
Appeals, Complaints and Grievance Procedures
Alana Kaye Group has a Quality Management System documenting any appeals, complaints or grievances to ensure they are addressed efficiently and effectively. Should you wish to lodge an appeal, complaint or grievance in relation to your assessment, please discuss this with your trainer or the Quality Manager.
Instructions for students:
There are three critical elements you’ll need to address in your pre-assessment interview prior to undertaking this assessment. These are:
• Identification of a mutually agreed date for the submission of materials relevant to assessment for this unit.
• Identification of a project, of a complex nature, that is mutually agreed to be sufficient for the purposes of basing your risk assessments on.
• Submission of a completed pre-assessment checklist agreeing to undertake the assessment, signed by yourself and your assessor.
In order to successfully meet the requirements of this unit you are required to undertake four assessment tasks. Each of these assessment tasks will have a series of activities or questions that require you to complete. These must be completed in full and submitted to your assessor for assessment. One assessment task will consist of written answers to the listed questions.

Please note that at Diploma level it is expected that the questions will be answered in a manner that reflects significant understanding of the theory associated with training design and development. It is not sufficient to merely state an answer (For example “yes”.); rather, you are required to elaborate upon the answer sufficiently articulating your understating of training design and development in relation to Vocational Training.
As a guide – each question will generally require 2 – 3 paragraphs at a minimum to effectively address. In some cases this may be more. If you, in the course of answering a question, rely upon a text, document, webpage or other source of information when answering a question you must make reference to where this information came from. Whilst formal referencing is not required, enough information just be given in order that the assessor could source the information themselves if required.
TAEDES501A Design and develop learning strategies
ASSESSMENT TASK 1 – Assessment activities
Assessment Task 1.1
You have been asked to design a learning strategy for your organisation in the development of a short, specific skill set (of your own choosing). Discuss:
1 How will you determine and define the purpose of the strategy?
2 Who will your target group of learners be?
3 What outcomes will you set for the success of the strategy?
4 Which stakeholders will be involved in the development of the strategy and what roles will they play?
Assessment Task 1.2
Using the work you did in Task 1.1, consider the documents you will need to analyse in order to ensure that your learning program satisfies all stakeholder needs. Examine the benchmarks and standards outlined in these documents and discuss if they are being met by workers. Discuss how a learning strategy might assist in assuring compliance with workplace standards.
Assessment Task 1.3
Watch the YouTube video below and provide a short report on you understanding of the various learning theories discussed there and in what circumstances they could best be used. Your report should be no less than 1000 words.
YouTube video
Introduction to learning theories

Assessment Task 1.4
Reflect on learning programs that you have participated in over the years. Discuss:
1 the pros and cons of each program
2 methods of deliver used in each program
3 how you would adjust the delivery methods used to accommodate different learning styles
Assessment Task 1.5
Looking at your own organisation, discuss what learning needs it might have in terms of purpose, context and content. This Task should address a different set of needs from those outlined in Tasks 1.1 to 1.3 and should be based on a formal qualification and units of competency.
Assessment Task 1.6
Looking at the work you did in Task 1.5 and using the headings under the Structure section (page 24), describe how you would structure the learning needs you identified.

Assessment Task 1.7
Continuing from Task 1.6 discuss what methods you would choose to determine learner competence. Describe what pathways they might be able to follow as a result of participating in the learning program you have identified.
Assessment Task 1.8
Using the two programs you have worked on so far, include a range of feedback mechanisms that can be used in continuous improvement programs. Ensure that you include information about interaction with stakeholders during the review process.
ASSESSMENT 2: Project part 1

Assessment context This final, summative, project will determine your ability to produce learning strategy documents based on your workplace needs.
Assessment instructions Using the work you did in Tasks 1.1 to 1.7 you will now be required to produce two learning strategies based on the two different learning needs you identified; one short skill set, and one full qualification.
For one of these learning strategies, you will need to hold a meeting with relevant stakeholders to discuss and confirm the identified needs. These discussions should include:
• A determination of the best methods for delivering and assessing the identified needs, using relevant learning theories and principles of design
• The development of learning outcomes
You may use whatever format you choose for your strategy documents, however the content headings of each strategy must include all those shown in our example in the fully completed learning strategy document.
Evidence required • Minutes of meetings held with stakeholders
• Any action plans resulting from stakeholder meetings
• List of documents researched in the development of the strategy
• Copy of the final two learning strategy documents
Range and conditions • You must produce two learning strategy documents – at least one of which must b based on a full qualification from a training package or accredited course in line with your identified learning needs.
• You must have access to actual workplace documents and stakeholders to fulfil this task
• You will have two weeks in which to complete the assignment.
ASSESSMENT 3: Project part 2
In order to complete the final part of you assessment project you will be required to actually run the short skill set program you identified in Task 1.1 and documented in part 1 of this assessment.
Upon completion of this short program prepare a review report addressing the following points:
1 Whether the required outcome was achieved or not (and , if applicable, why not)
2 Stakeholders who were consulted in the review process
3 What measures were put in place to determine the effectiveness and quality of the learning strategy?
4 Any issues or areas for improvement that were identified
5 Recommendations for improvement or modification to the strategy.
ASSESSMENT 4: Discussion questions
1.Not all learning programs will result in a full qualification being achieved. Discuss how units of competency, from a training package or accredited course, can be used to provide effective short skill sets.

2. Discuss how different AQF levels can, and do, impact on assessment requirements.
3. Discuss how industry-based policies, licensing and registration requirements impact on the training needs of an organisation.
4. Discuss under which circumstances you might incorporate behaviourist, cognitive and constructionist learning theories into a training program.

5. No two learning environments are the same. Discuss the reasons why different assessment methods need to be employed for different learners and learning environments.

Design and develop learning strategies

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