describe a situation either work or personal where you faced a particular challenge. What was the outcome and what did you learn from the experience about your own
strengths and personal development needs?
an essay question for an Executive MBA program. Could you help me to write an effective and outstanding essay related to the above topic?
This is my resume:
Highly skilled African business consultant with solid work experience in helping clients to integrate and run payments processing engines.
Able to manage multiple projects and to adapt and communicate with people at different levels, from business-oriented C-level executives to technical developers.
Fund-raising expert with more than 10 years in developing, executing, and evaluating fund development activities for nonprofit organizations.
Senior Project Manager, Banque de Swiss, Nov. 2012-Present
Supervised the development of infrastructures and components of the Banque de Frances payment framework engine. Monitored the migration of direct debit and credit
transfer client payment transactions to the new clearing and settlement mechanism (CSM) for the Single Euro Payment Area (SEPA).
Coordinate, supervise, and follow up on the software team’s activities (team of 10), ensuring that budget and deadlines are respected and the work is of high quality.
Improved the performance of the financial security mechanism in the payment framework. Reduced liquidity risk within the retail payment system CORE (EU) by performing
risk analysis and tests to prevent accounting mismatches totaling $3M in direct debit operation transactions.
As Banque de Frances representative in regulatory proceedings, led the strategic committee events in France regarding the automated clearinghouse STET.
Regularly coordinated with regulatory compliance, business development, clearing, and settlement teams on cross-functional business requirements and production
Advised business teams on regulatory and policy matters with regard to new and existing products, services, and corporate policies and compliances.
Social Entrepreneur and Fundraiser, Valeurs dAfrique, Fontenay-aux-Roses, France, 2006-Present
Valeurs d’Afrique is a non-governmental organization (NGO) committed to addressing African development issues.
Designed and moderate websites and to develop and promote African village cultures and their natural environment. Responsible
for identification, cultivation, and solicitation of 100 top annual fund prospects.
Collaborated in the creation of responsible tourism tool that provides talented village artists with new opportunities to diversify their resources through new tourist
Conceptualized, organized, and implemented solicitation strategies for approximately 25,000 tourists and donors.
Effectively researched and wrote proposals for portfolio of donors, corporate, and foundation funding sources.
Planned, designed, and implemented personalized solicitation plans for donors, trustees and friends, and various divisional programs. Received a leadership award for
my contributions to the development of the community village.

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