
Using these two sources, please write a two-page, double-spaced description of the degree to which you agree or disagree with these descriptions of the need for better listening and for more solitude, and then describe how you are meeting – or plan to m

This Lab takes us back to the beginning of the program last fall when we touched on a theory of communication and considered what barriers there are to clear communication. This short Ted Talk by Julian Treasure addresses the problem of listening in a world that is becoming increasingly noisy – and I’m using “noise” in this context to mean all the things that distract us in our daily lives from paying attention to what’s going on around us – and how important it is to listen with the intention of actually paying close attention.

Julian Treasure

The question of how well we listen is tied very closely to how well, and under what circumstances, we engage in truly reflective practice. In order for the introspective nature of reflective practice to be truly useful, the practice has to be done in solitude and quiet, both of which are increasingly rare commodities in the modern world. Diana Senechal’s book The Republic of Noice: The Loss of Solitude in Schools and Culture, is a fascinating book that addresses this issue. The following article, In Praise of Solitude, by Carol Hoenig, is a review of the Senechal book.

Carol Hoenig

Using these two sources, please write a two-page, double-spaced description of the degree to which you agree or disagree with these descriptions of the need for better listening and for more solitude, and then describe how you are meeting – or plan to meet – your personal need for silence and solitude as you work to become a better communicator through better listening.

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