1. How old is the character Dante at the beginning of the story? Do you agree with his suggestion that this is the point when temptation is greatest? Or is there another time in life when we are more likely to lose our way?
2. Do you agree that humans are “lost” without a spiritual guide in this world? What about the irony of Dante’s choosing a pagan poet, one who lived before Christ was born, and therefore cannot have been “saved”?
3. How are the cowards punished in Canto III? Does “the punishment fit the crime”?
4. In Canto IV Dante is welcomed and accepted by some of the best writers in human history. Would you agree with those who accuse him of sinful pride?
5. Write your observations on the personal responsibility (ethical decision-making) or social responsibility (civic responsibility. Use a specific example from Cantos 1-5.

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