Cultural Foundations 1 Academic Essay

Cultural Foundations 1                                                                                         Reale


Topics for the First Essay


This first paper should be approximately five-to-six double-spaced typed pages in length.  Your essay should conform to the general writing requirements for college essays; sources for quotations should be indicated by parenthetical citations at the ends of sentences (you don’t need a bibliography page) and poetic quotations should indicate line breaks in the appropriate manner as discussed in class.  You should use no secondary sources, and your work should be completely your own.  You are welcome to show me a draft of your work in progress, but the final form of the paper submitted is indeed final; there will be no re-writes.

Select one of the following topics and explore it as fully as possible, using examples from the text(s) as supporting evidence.  Remember that the questions are specific and you should address the topic as directly and succinctly as possible; avoid long and/or general introductions and conclusions.  Remember that your goal is to defend a particular point as completely as possible, not to demonstrate everything you know or think about the topic under consideration.

Please remember that plagiarism will be dealt with seriously; the minimum grade for any plagiarized paper will be an “F” for the assignment.  Be sure to document your primary sources, and do not represent any work that is not your own as if it were your own.  Any student who has any questions about what plagiarism is should consult with me directly.


  1. Select two of the creation myths were have read and compare and contrast their assumptions about the nature of divinity and the relationship of man and gods.

Note: You may, if you wish, use relevant visual art from the period and cultures you select to support your argument.


  1. Compare and contrast the nature and role of the hero in Gilgamesh and the

            Ramayana. Note: you may use visual art to support your argument.

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