Create an annotated bibliography in which you select, summarize, and evaluate at least six of these peer-reviewed sources.


Using the Ashford University Library databases, locate and read peer-reviewed articles on a variety of research designs and methods. Be sure to include at least one article regarding the method used in the study you selected in Week One. Create an annotated bibliography in which you select, summarize, and evaluate at least six of these peer-reviewed sources. The sources chosen must have been published within the last 10 years. Note that the articles required for this assignment are not research studies; instead, they are articles about how to do various aspects of research.

At least three of the sources should be about qualitative research methods, and at least three of the sources should focus on quantitative research methods. Do not select any articles about both qualitative and quantitative methods or about mixed methods. For each source, identify the approach (qualitative or quantitative) and the research design category (non-experimental or experimental). Summarize each source in your own words, describing its purpose and how the information would be useful to a researcher designing a new study. Do not use quotations from references for this assignment.

Refer to the Tutorials section within the Ashford University Library for help with searching for articles.  To find these tutorials, click on the “View Tutorials” button on the Library’s home page. There is also a subject guide devoted to Research Methods.  In searching for articles on topics in psychology and other social sciences, it is strongly recommended that you utilize the EBSCOhost, ProQuest, and SAGE Journals Online databases.  You may only select articles that are available in full-text format.  To do this, limit your search criteria by selecting the Full-Text box in the search function of the database.

Your paper must be a minimum of four pages (excluding title page) and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. All sources must be documented in APA style, as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. For more information about annotated bibliographies and APA style, please see the Ashford Writing Center

Carefully review the Grading Rubric for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment.

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