Coursework Assignment Brief

Coursework Assignment Brief

Semester:     E15 Autumn 2015
Module Title:     Project Management
Programme      BSc (Honours) Oil & Gas Management
Level:     Level 6
Format:      Group Work: Professional Business Report & Regular Project Updates to Senior Management.
Presentation:      No – weekly activity/issues log
Any special requirements:      The business Report should be submitted on the Student Portal. Your work should be presented in a professional manner and as directed by your Module Leader.

Ability to deliver regular weekly updates in a succinct and professional manner and answer any senior management questions (as below) to show ability to manage a professional project on a regular weekly basis as a team. Therefore being assessed on managing a project as a team and to deliver weekly project updates via use of a action/issues log.

Word Limit:      4,500 words (with 10% plus or minus leeway)

Deadline date for submission:     5th November, 2015

Learning outcomes to be examined in this assessment (please note that this is NOT the assessment task)     •    Critically analyse the component parts of a major oil project.
•    Evaluate  the  time  and  cost  constrained  project plan  and  complete  a Critical Path Analysis on the project.
•    Analyse the planning process and management of a major oil project.
•    Discuss project management constraints of quality, time and cost.
Percentage of marks awarded for module:     •     The assignment is worth 100% of your module mark.

criteria      Explanatory comments on  the assessment criteria       Maximum marks for each section
Knowledge & Research (Content, style, relevance, originality)       Clear demonstration of rigorous research from recognised authoritative sources. Audience focus.
Meeting the deliverables.     30%
Writing and
Presentation (Format, referencing, bibliography and
style)     Rigorous use of the Harvard Methodology for citation and referencing; page numbering; correct display of direct quotations.     10%
Argument and
(Constructive critical analysis,   evaluation and application)      Constructive critical analysis, introduction, conclusion.
Demonstration of a clear understanding of the issues. Use of academic models. Full articulation of ideas developed. Offering well-argued solutions and/or alternatives if and where appropriate.     50%
Activity/issues log      Part of Report to be presented weekly and included in appendix.


Creating efficiencies from digital investments
“… data mining & analysis are the digital technologies energy CEOs rate as most strategically important. These are all areas where energy companies are investing, despite tight budgets, to better manage risk and improve operations.

For example, nearly four-fifths of energy CEOs agree that digital technologies are creating value for their organisations when it comes to data analysis and operational efficiency.

However, oil and gas CEOs stress the fact that maximising the value of the digital investments they’ve made requires a clear vision of how digital technologies can help achieve competitive advantage. Most also say it takes a well thought-out plan, including defined measures of success, and a CEO willing to champion the use of digital technologies”.

Source: 18th Annual Global CEO Survey findings. Explore the data at

Assignment Task

This project will constitute a phase of your firm’s annual operating plan for generating revenues and competitive advantage. Identify a business issue/problem, or opportunity as below:

You have just started working for an oil &/ or gas company, and have joined a project team that will analyse the business and identify a short term project to meet the opportunity or issue identified. In this context you have been tasked with examining the company’s digital capabilities. How does the company communicate with its customers?

You need to come up with an international business project  that  could  be  solved  by  undertaking  a  short-term   project  (up  to  12 months) relating to digital capabilities e.g. improvements to the Management Information Systems (CRM) for global customer communications, in some form for your energy firm, to meet the overall business need, of achieving increased sales and competitive advantage.

For this:
In order to create “a well thought-out plan, including defined measures of success”, and to convince your CEO to be “willing to champion the use of digital technologies”.

You, as a project group, will  need  to  analyse  your  organisation’s  current  situation  to  establish  a  need  for  a specific  project  in  this  area  that  will  improve  or  integrate  with  your  existing  operations. It  should  be  a  project  that  will  help  your  company  gain  competitive  advantage  with  a measurable  outcome  or  improve  operations  in  some  way.

As you will be recommending the project the dates must be in the future.

The final report should be presented in the style of a formal report addressing your senior management team.  Use business English and write in the third person e.g.  “It is recommended that…” not, “I think we should do this…” Ensure your tasks are clearly signposted for the examiner by using good formatting, headings, and titles that relate to the assignment question.

Based on your chosen project you will be required to cover the following points, which will form the sections of your overall Report:

1. Milestone 1 (Week 2)
•    Students to form groups of 3 members.
•    Teams to convene an initial kick off meeting.
•    The purpose of the project – why it’s needed and what will it achieve.
•    Appoint Project Manager (PM) – as leader/spokesperson to deliver weekly team updates.
•    A brief company background/snapshot – HQ location, operating territories, employees, revenues.
•    A Project Plan: This meeting should produce a project plan to deliver against the milestones set out in the document via an issues/ activity log as a control method.
•    Project’s Scope: What’s in , what’s out
•    Show use of action/issues log to demonstrate that all work and responsibilities for the group have been set for all tasks.

o Presentation of Activity/Issues Log tom Project Sponsor (2 mins max): week 2 (during the tutorial) – Succinct project progress meeting; use of activity/issues log covering how project is being controlled and delivered; how any issues are being dealt with. All to be included in your appendices.

2. Milestone 2 (week 3)  •     High level analysis of:
•    Business Environment – Micro and Macro (internal, external factors) – analysis via but not limited to PESTEL analysis &/or Porters 5 Forces.
•    Why does a project need information/research: Discuss the Information/Research needs of your project – Primary/Secondary, Quantitative and Qualitative.
•    Stakeholder Analysis
•    Constraints Analysis (Internal and External).

o Presentation of Activity/Issues Log tom Project Sponsor (2 mins max): As per instructions in Milestone 1.

3. Milestone 3 (week 4)
•    Risk Analysis & control – The associated organisational risk in context.
o    Sources/categories of risk & risk management,  o     Risk Analysis using Force Field Analysis.  o     Risk Control/ response/management Programme : – Risk category & type,
Assessment/impact of risk on the company, Evaluation of probability, Response to the risk, Contingency planning
•    Assess all resource capacity, capability and necessity relative to the proposed project:
o    Resource Reviews – 5 Ms of management – Men, Minutes, Machinery, Materials, Money.
o    Personnel Requirements – RACI Resource capacity, capability and necessity

o    Presentation of Activity/Issues Log tom Project Sponsor (2 mins max): As per instructions in Milestone 1.

4.    Week 5: Presentation of Activity/Issues Log tom Project Sponsor (2 mins max): As per instructions in Milestone 1.

5.    Milestone 4 (week 6) – Robust cost benefit analysis.
•    Project Selection
•    SMART objectives
•    Cost benefit analysis o     Budgeting/ Type of budget used –
?    Develop costing for the project based on identifying (research required – prices should be based on realistic indicative figures) the main components that you will need).
?    You will need to set the budget and discuss critically the type of budget used to carry out the project
o     Costs/Budget for the project o     Financial Benefits
?     Forecast, ROI, Payback, Breakeven
•    Non financial benefits

o Presentation of Activity/Issues Log tom Project Sponsor (2 mins max): As per instructions in Milestone 1.

6.    Week 7: Presentation of Activity/Issues Log tom Project Sponsor (2 mins max): As per instructions in Milestone 1.

7.    Milestone 5 (week 8) – Scheduling
Implementation/schedule plan for the project, and communicating with stakeholders (internal and external) using project management techniques of:
•    Work Breakdown Structure
•    Gantt Chart
•    Critical Path
•    Project Control
•    Methodology
•    Communication Plan

o Presentation of Activity/Issues Log tom Project Sponsor (2 mins max): As per instructions in Milestone 1.

8.    Week 9: Presentation of Activity/Issues Log tom Project Sponsor (2 mins max): As per instructions in Milestone 1.

9.    Milestone 6 (week 10)
Discuss how the project will be;
•    Terminated & Hand over
•    Evaluated via Post Implementation review (PIR) and use of appropriate evaluation methodology.
•    An overall Conclusion to the business Report.

o Presentation of Activity/Issues Log tom Project Sponsor (2 mins max): As per instructions in Milestone 1.

All Milestones are a group assignment and so each group is expected to be present at every weeks’ project update.

Marking Criteria for Assessment at Level 6 (Bachelors Degree with Honours)
rd    st    st
Marks     0-25 (Fail)     26-39 (Fail)         40-49 (3    )     50-59 (2.2)     60-69 (2.1)         70-85 (1    )         86-100 (1    )
Assessment categories

Knowledge & Understanding of Subject     Major gaps in knowledge and understanding of
material at this level. Substantial inaccuracies.     Gaps in knowledge, with only superficial understanding.
Some significant inaccuracies.     Threshold level.
Understanding of key aspects of field of study; coherent knowledge, at least in part informed by current research in the subject discipline.     Systematic understanding of field(s) of study, as
indicated by relevant QAA subject benchmark     Good understanding of the field(s) of study; coherent
knowledge, in line with subject benchmark, at least in     Excellent knowledge and understanding of the main concepts and key theories/
concepts of the discipline(s). Clear     Highly detailed knowledge and understanding of the
main theories/concepts of the discipline(s), and an awareness of the


(e.g. analysis and synthesis; logic and argument; analytical
reflection; organisation and communication     Unsubstantiated generalizations, made without use
of any credible evidence. Lack of logic, leading to unsupportable/
missing conclusions. Lack of any attempt to analyse, synthesise or     Some evidence of
analytical intellectual skills,
but for the most part descriptive. Ideas/findings sometimes illogical
and contradictory. Generalized statements made with scant evidence.
Conclusions lack relevance.     Threshold level.
Evidence of some logical, analytical thinking and some attempts to synthesise, albeit with some weaknesses. Some evidence to support findings/
views, but evidence not consistently interpreted.     sEtvaidenctemenets o ff osr tomhe e
logical, analytical thinking and
synthesis. Can analyse new and/or abstract data and situations without guidance.
An emerging awareness of different stances and ability to use     paSoundrt inf,o lormegicda lby cu,     rrent
analytical thinking; synthesis and
evaluation. Ability to devise and sustain persuasive arguments, and to
review the reliability, validity & significance of evidence. Ability to communicate ideas and evidence accurately and     Thoroughly logical work, supported by judiciously selected
and evaluated evidence. High quality analysis, developed independently or
through effective collaboration..
Ability to investigate contradictory information and     ambExcepiguitiotinaesl  awnod rk;
judiciously selected and evaluated
evidence. Very high quality analysis, developed independently or
through effective collaboration.
Ability to investigate contradictory information and identify

Use of Research- informed Literature (including referencing, appropriate academic conventions and academic honesty)     eLivttaluale etveid. ePncoor e of reading. Views and
findings unsupported and non-authoritative. Academic conventions largely ignored.     Evidence of little reading and/or of reliance on
inappropriate sources, and/or indiscriminate use of sources.
Academic conventions used inconsistently.     Threshold level.
References to a range of relevant sources. Some omissions and minor errors. Academic conventions evident and largely
consistent, with minor lapses.     eKvnoidenwledge, ce to support
analysis and evaluation of a
range of research- informed literature, including sources retrieved, analysed
independently. Academic skills consistently applied.     convincingly. Sound, Knowledge, analysis and evaluation of a range of research-
informed literature, including sources retrieved, analysed independently with
accuracy and assurance.  Good academic skills, consistently applied.     idenExcelletify nrt eaksononwsledge o for f research informed
literature embedded
in the work.
Consistent analysis and evaluation of sources. High-level
academic skills consistently applied.     rOeasutsotannsdi for ng knowledge of
research-informed literature embedded in the work. Consistent analysis and evaluation of sources. High-level academic skills consistently and professionally applied.
LEVEL 6 cont…

Graduate Skills for Life and

(e.g.  research- related skills; written, graphical and oral communication
group working; problem-solving; practical and professional skills)     Little or no evidence of the required skills in
any of the graduate skills
identified in the
specification at this level.     Limited evidence of the graduate skills identified in the
programme specification.
weaknesses evident, which suggest that the
candidate has not gained the skills necessary for graduate-level employment.     Research skills:
Can competently undertake reasonably straightforward research tasks with minimum guidance, but with minor weaknesses. Can communicate
in a range of formats, including orally, at a standard appropriate for graduate-level employment, and with limited weaknesses. Can generally work effectively within a team, negotiating
in a professional manner and managing conflict. Is largely confident and effective in identifying and defining complex problems and
applying knowledge and methods to
their solution.
Able to recognise
own strengths and weaknesses in     Research skills:
Can competently undertake reasonably straightforward research tasks with minimum guidance Can communicate
effectively in a range of formats, including orally, at
a standard appropriate for
graduate-level employment, and with limited weaknesses.
Can     consistently work     effectively within a team,
negotiating in a professional manner and managing
conflict. Is confident and flexible in identifying and defining complex problems and
applying knowledge and methods to
their solution. Able to evaluate
own strengths and weaknesses
in relation to     Research skills:
Can successfully complete a range of research-like tasks, including evaluation, with very limited external guidance. Can communicate well, confidently and consistently in a range of formats, including orally, at a standard appropriate for graduate-level employment.
Can consistently work very well within a team,
leading & negotiating in a professional manner and managing conflict.
Is confident and flexible in identifying and defining a range of complex problems and
applying knowledge and methods to their solution.
Able to take initiative in evaluating own strengths and weaknesses in
relation to graduate-     Research skills:
Can very successfully complete a range of research-like tasks, including evaluation, with
a significant degree of autonomy. Can communicate
professionally and confidently in a range of formats, at a high standard appropriate for graduate-level employment.
Can work
professionally within a team,
showing leadership skills as appropriate, managing conflict and meeting obligations.
Is professional and flexible in
autonomously identifying and
defining a range of complex problems and applying knowledge and methods to their solution.
Able to show insight and autonomy in     Research skills:
Exceptionally successful in a wide range of research-like tasks, including evaluation, with a high degree of autonomy Can communicate with an
exceptionally high level of professionalism, in a range of formats, including orally, appropriate for graduatelevel employment.
Can work
exceptionally well and professionally within a team, showing leadership skills as appropriate, managing conflict, and
meeting all obligations. Is exceptionally
professional and flexible in autonomously defining and solving
a range of complex problems and applying knowledge and methods to their solution.
Outstanding ability to evaluate own strengths and weaknesses,
Marks for Level 6     0-25 (Fail)     26-39 (Fail)     relatio40n -to 49g (r3adurd)a te     50-59 (2.2)     level p60rof-e6s9s (iona2.1)l  and     evaluating owsnt
70-85 (1    )     st
86-100 (1    )

•    Word count will not include material presented weekly.
•    No feedback will be given on weekly presentations.
•    Individual absence from weekly up-date will not impact others in team who update.

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