Contemporary Urban Planning Ed. 11, Chapter 16 & 17 Essay Dissertation Help

Contemporary Urban Planning Ed. 11, Chapter 16 & 17

Article(s) of Interest:

Deliverable(s): Prepare a memorandum to the mayor of your city (see format on the final page of syllabus) describing a significant change that should be made in your city using a successful example in another city.

Use Times New Roman font, Size 12
Include your name & ASU ID # (From:) single spaced
Include addressee, title, organization and address (To:) single spaced
Date of Submission
Subject of Memorandum
Double space the remainder of your paper EXCEPT above.
Eliminate extra space before and after paragraphs (check your paragraph spacing settings).
Use 1-inch margins on all sides.
Ensure your paper meets the minimum word length requirement (300+)
Cite your sources in footnotes. If you don’t, it will be considered as plagiarism.
Reference all class readings you cite in your paper in a works cited page (using APA or MLA styles).
Provide in-text citations for any quotes or paraphrasing in your paper (using APA or MLA styles).
Feel free to use a citation generator if you need help creating citations. We recommend the Purdue Online Writing Lab ( and RefWorks from the ASU Library (
Don’t stretch your papers with unusual letter fonts, spacing or plain rambling. We will discount points for any of these things.
Large block quotes should be single-spaced.
Submit your paper as a Word document.
Grammar and Style

Write a memorandum with a clear structure, that has an introduction, body and conclusion use your critical thinking skills!
Do not use contractions (he’s, it’s, can’t, weren’t, etc.).
Keep tenses consistent.
Use formal language. Write as if you are delivering a speech, not talking to your friend.
Start a new paragraph every time you begin a new idea or introduce a new theme. Paragraph lengths should be about 5-7 sentences.
Use complete sentences and avoid run-on sentences.
Avoid repetition of words or thoughts.
Do not use over generalizations or big sweeping statements without a source.
Use proper language, grammar and punctuation, if you are unsure about your writing skills use the resources available at ASU, such as the Writing Center. Click on the Student Resources & Accessibility or Online Academic Support tabs for more information.

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