Take the position of a marketing executive in your firm – an ad agency. The agency is planning a competitive pitch to win the Tourism Tasmania account. The CEO of the agency has heard about your sharp and ingenious insights into consumer behaviour and has asked you personally to provide a critique and make recommendations on a new approach to a key tourism initiative. She has asked you to write a response to a brief for the agency team to work to using your knowledge of consumer behaviour research and theory and experience in packaging tourism-related products.
You will need to critically analyse the strengths and weaknesses of the feasibility study and other documents on which the initiative is based, in such a way as to show your command of consumer behaviour theory and research and how it can be used to inform marketing practice.
Your “brief” for the critique and recommendations (i.e. the test paper) will be made available to you at 9am on the 21st of October – the deadline being 9am on the 25th of October. Detailed marking criteria and rubrics will be provided simultaneously.
Collusion, which means collaborating with another person to complete this test, is cheating and is therefore not permitted. Exams showing evidence of collusion will be disqualified on these grounds. Any technical issues you experience should be reported immediately to the lecturer by email – it is important that you do not contact other students or your tutor
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