Conflict Analysis and Resolution; Theory and Practice

Conflict Analysis and Resolution; Theory and Practice

Simulation Video Presentation
Simulation Video Presentation
DUE: Your Research Paper must be no more or no less than 8 pages, double spaced, excluding a cover sheet and reference list. All sources must be cited in Turabian format using the in text citation. For example, (Collins 2014, page 12). Please do not use the numbering like i, 2, 3 etc. when citing.
The presentation is about 10-15 minutes. I will do the video when I receive the paper back. See more instructions below.

Grade Details
Grade N/A Gradebook Comments None
Assignment Details
Open Date Jan 4, 2016 12:05 AM
Graded? Yes
Points Possible 100.0
Resubmissions Allowed? No
Attachments checked for originality? Yes:Originality of attachments will be verified by Turnitin. Both you and your instructor will receive the results.

Assignment Instructions
Video Presentation:

At the completion of the simulation exercise, each student will submit a video presentation that analyzes the Chechen crisis. You can take advantage of the YouTube or Kaltura software to upload your video. The length of the presentation should be no more than around 10-15 minutes. In the presentation, you will address the topic in the same way as a speaker would present it at a conference. The report will include:
1. An introduction that explains the purpose of the simulation and the importance of the topic.
2. A discussion of the relevant readings that address this specific topic.
3. A discussion of critical factors that contribute to a successful resolution of a conflict.
4. A summation that draws general conclusions about the topic and the simulation experience.
Criteria Total
Focus/Thesis /20
Knowledge /20
Critical Thinking
Skills /20
Organization of
Ideas/Format /20
Conventions /20

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