Complete chapter 4 & 5

Complete chapter 4 & 5

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This is a continue to the project, in this two chapters you will complete writing Chapter 4 (Data Analysis) and chapter 5 (SUMMARY, CONCLUSIONS, RECOMMENDATIONS) , which is related to previous chapters (1-2-3) Note: you have to read it chapter 1-2-3 to understand the topic well and please don’t make any changes in (Chapter 1-2-3).

1- Chapter 4: Make sure that Chapter 4 presents and discusses your data and also includes an analysis of the data in the context of your research questions. Do not include your charts and tables as appendices – include them directly in Chapter 4. Use narrative to describe the charts and tables. Most importantly, analyze the data in terms of how it answers your research questions. Explain interest and unusual dimensions and characteristics of your data.
Did you collect real data (numbers and objective facts)? Have you effectively summarized and displayed your data? Is there analysis of the data in relation to your research questions included in Chapter 1? What does the data communicate in terms of your research problem and sub-problems? Remember that you need to have quantitative analysis of some sort to meet this course requirement.
Do not make the reader go to an appendix to see your charts, tables or other illustrations. Include them directly into Chapter 4.
For open-ended questions (which are very useful) structure the responses in a frequency table, with the topic/issue in column 1 and the number of respondents that discussed that issue in the open-ended question listed in column 2.

You will find the Data (the surveys results) in the two attachments files in:
1- Data_All_151002 (all responses together)
2- Responses_All_151002 (responses form each individual separately)
NOTE: they both are same but one have all and the other have it separate data.
There is a copy of the survey in the end of the paper if you want to take a look on it.
Important about this chapter:
– As you going to use figures in chapter 4 (data analysis) so do not forget to fill the list of figures. That comes in page iii.
– NOTE: Each figure should have title above the figure and brief explanation under the figure.
– Any style of figure is ok but make sure its fits and clear for showing the data.
– Start with (the pupose of this study is…etc , & brief deception about the study
– Explain who was the respondents, their positions, males of females
– BarGraph= explain the important thing using it ( any kind of barGraph is ok)

2- Chapter 5: Don’t cut chapter 5 too short. When developing the Chapter imagine that you have to give a presentation to senior leadership, but they do not have access to the earlier chapters. You must lay out the entire study in this chapter – the questions, the key points from the literature and data analysis, the answers to the questions and the associated recommendations. This is very important, especially in the eyes of the second faculty reader – you must provide management with a prescription to address the problem that was laid out in your paper.
Summary Sub-Section: Summarize the key points from Chapter 2 Literature Review and Chapter 4 Data Analysis and indicate how those points related to the research questions.
Conclusions Sub-Section: Answer the research questions presented in Chapter 1.
Recommendations Sub-Section: Include at least 3 recommendations and ensure that they are sufficiently detailed and explain how they should be implemented.

Important about this chapter:
1- Don’t forget to mention the research question.
2- Avoid any emotional words
3- Give more than one recommendation

3- Executive Summary: After writing Chapters 4 and 5 add an executive summary at the front of your report, behind the cover page but ahead of the Table of Contents. Make sure the executive summary includes the research questions, conclusions and recommendations. It should be comprehensive 1-to-2 page executive summary that presents the research questions and conclusions (answers) and summarizes your recommendations.

– Please follow the guidelines file and my comments here to write chapter 4 and 5.
– Also, check the attachment which is necessary for writing this project in general (survival guide)

• Ensure that there are NO one-sentence paragraphs
• Ensure that there are NO one-paragraph sub-sections
• Avoid extensive use of bullet lists
• Ensure that all sub-sections have transition paragraphs
• Ensure that all sentences are complete sentences
Address all grammatical problems and issues – absolutely have someone you trust review and edit the report.

• APA style
• ONLY use third person like the researcher for example.
• Ensure that everything in the research report is double-spaced, including the references
• Verify that all margins are 1” – no smaller or larger
• All content must be left-justified – do not include “block justify” content
All chapters must start on a new page

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