Compare/Contrast Essay Essay Dissertation Research Help

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Compare/Contrast Essay

In order to learn some of the basic skills necessary to research and develop a formal analysis of a work of art, you will write 2 Compare/Contrast essays> Each essay will compare two works of art found in the textbook. The selection of artworks for each paper is up to the student, but must be selected only from chapters covered in our course (and it is recommended that you choose works that we have covered in our reading previous to the due date of the assignment). You may not write about any work of art that you have already written about in your weekly Discussion Boards. Please read all 4 pages of this assignment sheet before beginning your work.

Your formal analysis must be:

– minimum two FULL pages (maximum 2.5 pages)

– double-spaced in a 12-point legible font

– MLA format with a Works Cited page. (See the MLA Style Guide found under Course


– The title of paintings, sculptures, photographs, printmaking works of art should ALWAYS be in


– Be certain of what medium of art you are referring to. Not all works of art are “pictures”; do a

little research and refer to it as a painting, sculpture, work of architecture, photograph, etc.

-Wikipedia is not an acceptable source. This is a user generated with little to no fact checking

so the information cannot be considered reliable.

The first stage of your analysis is to find information about the works and their respective artists, and to document that information. Use the sheet provided to help you gather important information. Be sure to include information about the possible artist influences and reference any special subject matter depicted in the works. After you have had a chance to research the basic information about your particular works of art, try to describe it using the elements of art that we have discussed in class.

The second stage of the assignment will include taking the information you have about the works (including your analysis of the elements of art, subject matter and artistic media), and presenting it in essay form.

The third and last stage of your analysis will be to refine your writing and to make any changes necessary before the next class. THIS FINAL DRAFT IS DUE, ATTACHED TO THE SUBMISSION POINT, BY SUNDAY AT 11:59 P.M. OF THE SESSION IN WHICH IT IS DUE. SEE COURSE CALENDAR AND SESSION FOLDERS FOR DUE DATES.



  • All sources should be cited and included in the Works Cited page. Citations should be in MLA format. Plagiarism will result in a zero (0) for the assignment and the responsibility for proof regarding the originality of a paper rests with you, not the instructor.
  • If you are absent on the due date it is your responsibility to make sure the paper or project is still turned in on time.
  • Late papers and projects may be accepted with the following late penalties:

o If it is turned in within 24 hours of the due date there will be a 10% reduction.

o After 24 hours and up to 2 DAYS there will be a 50% reduction.

o After 2 DAYS the paper or project will no longer be accepted for credit.

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