choose anyone history essay topic (1-3)

Watch the film “Greece:  A Moment of Excellence” (link in Learning Module) and the assigned section on Greece of the History Unbound Module on “Greek and Roman Art” (link in Learning Module).  Then, answer one of the following questions in 3-4 pages.

1.  As discussed in class, features of civilization reinforced each other in each of the ancient cultures we have studied in order to provide order and stability.  The same happened in ancient Greece.  Select two features of civilization from the list below and explain and compare how they worked together to maintain stability in ancient Greece.  You must make specific reference to the information from the film link.

Features of Civilization

art and architecture

law and government

religion and belief systems

public works

social hierarchy

complex trade


2.  Compare one document from list A with one document from list B on the purpose and efficacy of law and government.  You must directly quote from the documents in your response.  Links are provided in the Learning Module.

List A                                                                                            List B

Confucius on Government                                                          Plato’s Philosopher King

Hammurabi’s Code                                                                      Pericles’ Funeral Oration

Ten Commandments

Law of Manu

Han Feizi

3.  Compare the role of women in Greece and one other civilization we have studied.  You must make specific reference to a homework document or video assigned.

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