Order Description
“Our personal “image” or “construct of the child is like a lens through which we view children. Our views are influenced by many factors including our experiences, values and beliefs. Individually
and collectively as a society, these views shape the relationships we have with children.
Demonstrate an understanding of how childhood is constructed differently across cultural and historical contexts and identify the factors that influence these constructions.consider the impact on
the role of the adult – on the educator/teacher.
Part A (Study)
You are required to provide an analysis that articulates and compares multiple constructs of childhood. Identifying the contextual factors (such as location, culture, time, values and beliefs).
Present 5 pieces of evidence (images)that represent different constructs of childhood.
Name the image (i.e. the child as miniature adult, the child as victim, the child as victim, snowballing child, commodified child, agent child)
Include your example ‘image’ (text or pictorial) that represents the construct
Summarise when and where the ‘image, is from and how it represents the construct.
Show different cultural and historical contexts, discuss the influences
Explain the link between evidence and construct. That is why does your evidence represent that construct.
Part B (Essay)
Compare and contrast the five images you outlined in Part A.
Your comparison should cover;
1. An introduction – a brief statement about why it is important to consider the constructs through which we view children/childhood.
Compare and Contrast the 5 constructs including the impact on the adult relationship – consider the role of the educated (teacher).

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