write an original ten (10)-page paper (not counting bibliography or endnotes) on child human trafficking; as a factor in international relations; drones and assassination as factors in international relations.
You can focus in many part of the world where child trafficking is happening. Such as south Asia or India is trafficking children from Nepal. Also south china or china in general where child trafficking is accrued.
The most important thing is to use three particular sources:
1- The United States official governmental website or databases.
2- The European Union official databases and statistics.
3- The United Nations official databases and statistics.
A big portion of the paper must come from this sources. You can add as much as you want sources and the best total number of sources can be 10 including the ones I gave you. You can use UNICEF as reliable source too.
show the relationship between child trafficking and the International Relations. Also you should show the effects of child trafficking from many sides such as economics, humanitarian aspects etc.…
present the ways of child trafficking and the results of it such as child labor (bad working conditions etc.), children sex, the use of trafficked children for selling drugs.

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