Case study Pain Management


You are assigned to care for Ms Kathy Brown, a 50 year old journalist, who has had a hysterectomy. She is currently 2 dayspost surgery, but is mobilising very slowly and appears to be in some pain. Kathy was receiving Morphine via a PCA pump for 24 hours and, on review of her pain scores, this was providing adequate pain relief. When you ask how her pain has been, Kathy tells you that her pain was 3.5 at rest but 7 on mobilisation. You realise that her pain scores were only taken at rest, not during movement, which possibly explains why the PCA was discontinued.  Kathy is currently prescribed Paracetamol 500mg x 2 tabs 4hrly PRN, and Diclofenac supp. 25mg 8 hrly PRN. Since discontinuation of her PCA pump Kathy has received 1 dose of Paracetamol and 1 Diclofenac suppository.

Outline how you would address Kathy’s pain management giving arguments for your key points which are supported by evidence from the literature.


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