Paper, Order, or Assignment Requirements
Question 1. The majority of residents in your community are interested in building an extension on to the only high school. They prefer the extension as opposed to a new high school, in part, because they favor pay-as-you go financing. The mayor has called upon you, as the director of the finance department, to advise him on this issue. Explain to the mayor the different financing possibilities along with the benefits and drawbacks to each. Finally, make a recommendation which course of action the mayor should take.
Question 2. Congratulations! Based upon your recommendations, the mayor has decided to pursue pay-as-you use financing for a new high school. While the political need for a new high school may be argued, the mayor has asked you to complete a capital budget analysis that he can take to the city council. Provide a detailed analysis of this capital project.
- Discuss three (3) things you learned from the lecture
- Discuss three (3) things from the lecture that need to be explained in more detail
- Conduct a web search of county government CAFRs
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