Caffè Nero

Caffè Nero
Assessment Brief
Module Title: DSM5A4 Branding
Module Tutors: Rachel Lawes & Alyas Latif
Academic Period: Fall Semester 2015
Assessment Title: Project B: Brand Implementation Report and Plan
Digital Project Submission: 4 Dec 2015 by 23:59 on Blackboard (Week 12)
Concept Board Presentation: During Week 12 Seminar (Week of 30 Nov 2015)
Assessment: Summative: 100% TMM (individual submission)
This individual project gives you the opportunity to explore, and the University to assess, the
knowledge you will have accumulated during the course of this module. This project follows on
directly from Project A, where you chose a few brands to investigate and worked within a small
group. Now you will choose one brand to study independently. The final output consists of a written
Report and a physical A3 Concept Board/Poster.
This summative brief should be read in conjunction with the full module description/ details.
Assessment criteria will be posted on Blackboard.
Digital: Report and Plan plus the A3 Concept Board/Poster in the Appendix (photographed or
reduced to fit on one A4) must be combined into one file to be uploaded via Turnitin on Blackboard
by 4 Dec 2015 at 23:59.
Please use the following format:
? Microsoft Word (.docx) or PDF file
? Title page (with title, name, id, date, module, and total word count)
? A4 Microsoft Word ‘Normal’ Margins: 2.54cm all around
? 1.15 line spacing
? Section Headings
? Body text: Times New Roman/Arial 12pt
? Headers and footers with title and page numbers
? Word count excludes charts, graphics, references and appendices
? Harvard Referencing style
Physical: A3 Concept Board/Poster will be presented during the Week 12 Seminar to your Seminar
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DSM5A4 Branding / Fall 2015
The Task of Project B: Brand Implementation Report and Plan
Individual submission: 2500 words ±10% and A3 Concept Board/Poster
Your task is now to choose one brand from your Project A study and explore in greater detail the
opportunities this brand has for development. First you must revisit and review your current
research and identify and analyse the brand’s weaker points and challenges.
Imagine that you are the design or brand manager for this brand and you are reporting to your
colleagues about what the brand could achieve. Consider the strategy for change management of
this brand.
? Why does it need to change?
? How is it going to change?
Select real-life suitable design, advertising, web or branding agencies that you propose to assist you
in progressing these opportunities. Include these agency selections within your report and include
the specific reasons for their selection.
Whilst re-examining your chosen brand, investigate its online presence, think about all the brand
touch points, associations, senses and emotional qualities and work out new and innovative design
strategies that would be appropriate in enhancing the effectiveness of this brand.
You will self-direct your own project. Your tutor will support you with tutorials and provide you with
feedback. The key deliverable for this assignment is a thoroughly researched written Report and
Plan showcasing your approach and solutions to the challenge as well as your key learning
throughout. You will have the opportunity to get formative feedback from your tutors on your draft
Project B during the Week 10 and 11 Seminars.
Consider today’s current trends and market challenges. Leverage key frameworks and be critical in
your analysis of what the brand could do in the future. Then propose appropriate changes, going
through the various stages of implementing your idea into a real world project, whilst applying all
the skills gathered throughout the module.
You should support your Report and Plan with an A3 visual Concept Board/Poster that summarises
the main Branding concepts. This Concept Board/Poster represents a final inspiration board for a
design or launch of the new branding service/product. This can be done on foam board and allow
you to stick and pin imagery and materials as needed. You will present this Concept Board/Poster
during your Week 12 Seminar.
Marks will be awarded for these two connected sections of the written Report and Plan, including
completion of the physical Concept Board/Poster.
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DSM5A4 Branding / Fall 2015
Project Specifics:
The Report (±1700 words)
You should present a well-considered and argued report looking at how to enhance your chosen
brand. Be sure to include these points:
? Short introduction to brand
? Why does it need to change?
? What are the challenges?
? What are the critical approaches and suitable frameworks that could be leveraged in
support of your idea?
? What are the processes and planning involved in the proposed brand change? (you do not
need to create any design work this time, as you will be briefing agencies)
? A shortlist of consultancies that you have chosen to work with, clearly showing your
selection criteria and final choices.
The Plan (±800 words)
? The branding brief
? Timeline with design phases and brand rollout with chosen agency (what activities – which
media channels and where and when)
? Your approach to budget, scope, management and measurement of your proposed brand
The Report and Plan should include citations to any literature throughout (Harvard style) with a
complete list of References and Bibliography at the end. Visual and competitor material that
supports the changes to the brand should be included within the body of the report and/or the
A3 Physical Concept Board/Poster
Mixed technique of sketching, drawing, collage and digital design can be use for completing the
Concept Board/Poster, in accordance to the style of the Brand. Please use images to demonstrate
ideas where possible as we are working in visual subject areas even when discussing business.
Finally for your Summative Assessment Report, the A3 Concept Board/Poster needs to be reduced
and digitised to A4 (photographed if necessary) and added to the Appendix of your Report.
DSM5A4 Branding / Fall 2015
DSM5A4 Branding Assessment Brief: Project B Page 4 of 4
Suggested Structure for Report and Plan:
A. The Report (±1700 words)
1. Title page (with title, name, id, date, module, and total word count)
2. Introduction (about your brand reinvention)
3. Background and industry context of brand chosen
4. Competitors
5. Rationale for why the brand needs to evolve (uncovering arguments and supporting this
with theory and case studies)
6. Challenges and opportunities
7. The process for selecting a suitable branding agency (your approach to the selection
8. Your chosen agency and justification for this decision
B. The Plan (±800 words)
1. The branding brief (i.e., problem statement, objectives, strategy, etc…)
2. Launch plan of your brand reinvention, with a Gantt chart indicating timeline and phases,
plus a proposed budget. Think about appropriate touchpoints, channels and media use in
this plan.
3. Plan of measurement for your brand reinvention, including measuring objectives (e.g., ROI)
and testing.
C. References and Bibliography (not in word count)
D. Appendix: Your Concept Board/Poster (digitised and reduced to fit on an A4 page) plus any
other visuals, data, competitor information, articles etc… (not in word count)

1. Factual information
Module title Branding Level 5
Module tutor Dr Rachel Lawes Credit value 10
Module type Pathway Elective (GBDM at Level 5)
Elective (BAIB at Level 5)
learning hours
2. Rationale for the module and its links with other modules
The module encompasses an introduction into branding. It explores the interconnectedness of
design management and marketing and the disciplines involved in the creation of a brand. This
module also investigates how design thinking can build a brand to infiltrate global markets and
provide personality for companies and organisations. The module focuses on brand creation,
with an emphasis on how brands operate on different levels and communicate through multiple
channels. The module will cover the management of brands and identify the diversity of cultural
differences and global markets.
Designing a brand can be achieved through divergent and convergent thinking and through
these processes key insights can be revealed which will help students gain skills in identifying
opportunities in the market. Brands are powerful influencers across the world by affecting
decision-making and purchasing habits of consumers through a variety of methods. Students
will identify these methods and look to the value of design thinking and how design can
successfully transform a brand into an influencer, create personality and direct the life of a
Branding is a tangible outcome of design management and is a huge cultural influencer in
today’s society. Students will deconstruct the process behind building a successful brand crossculturally
and be able to extract transferable skills and develop professional qualities required
across all areas of business management including: research, evaluating insights, discussing and
listening to ideas and channelling curiosity. This module will prepare students for the core
module in the Design Management pathway in Design Management Practice and Theory as it
contributes to the students’ ability to survey design in all its forms and how it can infiltrate the
process of product outcome and strategy.
3. Aims of the module
Upon successful completion, this module aims to ensure students will be able to demonstrate
an understanding of the importance of brands in the operational success of an organisation
within both a local and a global context. This module will aim to assist the student in creating
viable arguments and strategies to support branding initiatives to key stakeholder groups
across diverse audiences. Through preparing design briefs students will be equipped to
commission brand work, specifications and commission appropriate agencies in relation to
branding. Students will be equipped to take all the above and manage the design process from
conception to realisation. Through experiencing real-world scenarios this module will aim to
provide students with the opportunity to manage the implementation of a brand from creative
brief to completion of a branding project.
4. Pre-requisite modules or specified entry requirements
Design Thinking
Applied Buyer Behaviour in the Global Context
5. Intended learning outcomes
A. Knowledge and understanding
At the end of the module, learners will be expected to:
A11. Demonstrate in-depth knowledge and understanding of the core information and
conceptual underpinnings in their chosen area of pathway specialisation.
B. Cognitive skills
At the end of the module learners will be expected to:
B10. Apply theory to practice by analytically engaging with the interconnected nature of
business practices such as business management, design management, suitability management,
financial management, and marketing management in the global context.
B11. Identify and define complex managerial and organisational problems and apply
appropriate knowledge as well as creative and entrepreneurial thinking to reach solutions.
C. Practical and professional skills
At the end of the module, learners will be expected to:
C11. Apply problem-solving techniques drawn from business management, design
management, suitability management, financial management, and marketing management, as
appropriate, to determine effective solutions.
D. Key transferable skills
At the end of the module, learners will be expected to:
D9. Take responsibility for their own work and utilise appropriate tools of evaluation to improve
said work.
D10. Demonstrate initiative by taking unprompted action in semi-autonomous contexts.
6. Indicative content
• The creation of a brand, including a brand-building workshop.
• The different types of brand architecture and related theory and frameworks.
• What makes up a brand – a global perspective of how brands translate across borders and
Exploring brand naming – the role, advantages and disadvantages of appropriate names.
• Considering the financial value of brands, exploring the pros and cons of investment into
brands with particular focus on visual identity. Investigating the role of corporate culture in
establishing and sustaining a brand; focusing on particular case studies and case histories to
gain in-depth understanding of who and how agencies and organisations build a brand.
6. Indicative content
• An introduction to corporate communications and hiring design consultancies.
An overview of issues concerning management of the design process. How to create a
branding brief.
• A look at legal requirements for brands.
• Exploration of brand development and brand extension, and measuring the impact and
influence of the design process.
7. Learning and teaching strategy
For students to gain a clear understanding of the role of branding, 3 hour face-to-face sessions
will offer a variety of teaching and learning strategies for example, through lectures, guest
lectures, group discussion, peer feedback, group tasks, quizzes and interactive sessions, the
students will be encouraged to engage with their learning. The aims of the branding module
will be evident as the students gain a holistic view of many perspectives on branding and grasp
an understanding of how each role and discipline required throughout the brand building
process interacts and connects. In the real world, working collaboratively is crucial across
different company departments and this module demonstrates the interconnected nature of
working to build and maintain brands. Through the learning and teaching methods used in the
module and to accommodate a variety of learning cultures and styles, students will have
opportunities to learn in ways that will be relevant, suitable and memorable for them through
interactive workshops and activities, Q&A sessions, critiques and discussions.
8. Assessment strategy, assessment methods and their relative weightings
Assessment Strategy
Through experiencing real-world scenarios students will be assessed on how they manage the
implementation of a brand from creative brief to completion of a branding project. A variety of
interactive, task-led sessions will empower the individual and form a strong foundation of skills
to apply to the group task – a ‘brand investigation’. The formative assessment prepares students
to gain an overview of the role of branding by encouraging investigation of 2-3 current brands
and their position in the marketplace.

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