A critical analysis paper is not a review of the performance – what you liked or didn’t like – but is rather an analysis of the performance as a whole to interpret meaning. You are digging deep – what did the dance mean? What was the dance trying to communicate with the audience? You can interpret meaning by looking to the movement of the dancers (what are they doing? how are they doing it?), the environment or mood of the stage (lighting design, props/set design, costumes, make-up, etc.), the music (how does it make you feel?), and recognizing your own feelings, memories, sensations, or thoughts that come to you while you watch the dance. These are all important elements that you will then synthesize to understand the overall meaning or story of the dance. Those elements become your evidence for supporting your claim.
Don’t forget to include important information like who the choreographer/company is, the title of the dance, and the names of any dancers, musicians, technicians, etc. that you think need to be mentioned specifically.

Sample Solution
As indicated by Alderman (1999), inspiration can be affected without anyone else’s input recognition (Zimmerman, 2000). Self-discernment can pulverize one’s inspiration to a Cafe Muller chie Cafe Muller ve a given undertaking dependent on the conviction that the capacity to do the errand is missing; or the inspiration is stifled as a result of the conviction that the assignment needs testing parts (Alderman, 1999; Bandura, 1997; Calder and Staw, 1975). Research demonstrate Cafe Muller s that understudies see themselves as additional, the all the more testing the objectives they seek after will be (Zimmerman, Bandura and Martinez-Pons, 1992). As indicated by Zimmerman (2000), inquire about during the previous two decades has uncovered that self-adequacy is a profoundly effective indicator of an understudy’s inspiration and learning. Self-viability is an exhibition based proportion of one’s apparent capacity and along these lines contrasts hypothetically from inspirati Ca Cafe Muller fe Muller onal develops, for example, result desires or self-idea (Zimmerman, 2000). Regularly, the terms self-viability and self idea are misconstrued to have a similar significance. Self-adequacy relates to one’s apparent capacities to achieve a particular undertaking; though, self idea is a composite see oneself accepted to have been shaped from one’s encounters and acknowledged assessments from family and/or companions. Self-idea and self-adequacy may both be utilized outside the setting of learning (Bandura, 1997; Zimmerman, 2000). The job self-adequacy plays in one’s inspiration and demeanor toward language learning is a significant o Cafe Muller ne having impact on one’s exhibition (Bandura, 1997; Dörnyei, 2001a; Ehrman, 1996). When seeing language learning numerous students feel they must be daring people in light of the fact that their self is put before others to perform. Those with low self-viability see undertakings of trouble as dangers; these are individuals that harp on Cafe Muller their insufficiencies and recollect the hindrances they experience when seeking after testing assignments (Dörnyei, 2001a). There is a purpose behind interfacing the idea of self-viability with the inspiration to get familiar with an extra language. For understudies to have the option to concentrate on the undertaking of learning energetically and assurance, they should have a sound perspective on themselves as students (Dörnyei, 2001). Albeit earlier triumphs joined with other general proportions of one’s capacity are viewed as excellent indicators of accomplishment, (Zimmerman, 2000) numerous examinations propose that self-viability convictions add to the consistency of these measures. One such examination was that of understudies’ self-observing. The discoveries indicated the way that the useful understudies observed their working time all the more viably and were in Cafe Muller creasingly determined. The examination likewise showed the more adequate understudies to be greater at tackling issues than inefficacious understudies of equivalent fitness (Zimmerman, 2000). Zimmerman and Bandura (1994) did a way logical examination for composing and found that self-viability for composing was an impressive indicator of undergrads’ gauges for the nature of composing estimated as self-fulfilling. The self-viability convictions likewise inspired the understudies’ utilization of learning systems. As indicated by Zimmerman and Martinez-Pons (1992), there was a considerable connection between viability convictions and methodology use over the evaluation levels being examined. “The more noteworthy the inspiration and self-guideline of learning in understudies with a high self-viability “⦠the higher the scholastic accomplishment as indicated by a scope of measures.” (Zimmerman, 2000, p. 88) Another examination Zimmerman (2000) notes represents a fi Cafe Muller nding of a general impact size of .38 which this demonstrates self-viability represents roughly 14% of the change in understudies’ scholarly result Cafe Muller crosswise over different arrangements of understudy tests and paradigm measures. Concerning the impacts of apparent self-viab Cafe Muller ility on diligence, look into has demonstrated that it impacts the student’s expertise obtaining by expanding tirelessness (Schunk, 1981; 2003; Zimmerman, 2000). Recognizably, self-viability assumes a mediational job in inspiration, determination and scholastic accomplish Cafe Muller ment. The discoveries mean proof of the legitimacy of self-adequacy convictions and their impact on an understudy’s technique for learning and inspirational procedure (Zimmerman, 2000).>