Beautiful Trouble Academic Essay

Beautiful Trouble Assignments: Connecting Issues to Actions

Week 5: Historical Social Actions Reading Selections

Theory: ·         Pillars of Support

·         The Commons

Tactics: ·         Occupation

·         Trek

Principles: ·         Choose you target wisely

·         Turn the tables

Case Study: ·         The Salt March


To begin this assignment you will need to read the selection from “Beautiful Trouble: A Toolbox for Revolution” listed above. After you have read the above selections, respond to the following:

  1. Begin by REFLECTINGon what in the selections was particularly interesting, surprising, or was new information to you? What were your initial responses when reading these selections? Did you agree or disagree with any of them? Why or why not?
  2. After you have recorded your initial thoughts and/or opinions on the selected readings, go through each category (theory, tactic, principle, case study) and IDENTIFYat least One (1) Main point for each category. A Main Point could be understood as the most important or central thought of a paragraph or larger section of text, which tells the reader what the text is about.
  3. Next, based on the first letter of your last name, you will need to read one of the Overviews and write a 2 – 3 paragraph response CONNECTINGthe main points identified in the Theory and Principles selections to the problem addressed in your chosen article. Be sure to cite direct connects to the article and BT reading:
    • When thinking about making your connections, consider the following: (1) how does the theory or principle inform responses to the problem, (2) what does the theory or principle reveal in analyzing the problem, (3) in what ways does the theory or principle help you to better understand the problem (NOTE: you do not need to answer each of these questions, but simply use them to help guide your connections)
    • Overview Article Assignments:
Last Name: A – C

Overview: Dawes Act

Last Name: D – H

Overview: Dorr Rebellion

Last Name: J – L

Overview: Ex. Order 9066

Last Name: M – O

Overview: Industrial Workers of the World

Last Name: R – Ta

Overview: Stonewall Riots

Last Name: To – Z

Overview: Women’s Suffrage Movement

  • Lastly, APPLYwhat you learned in the Tactics and Case Study selections to propose a solution(s) to the social problem presented in the article. After you have applied your solution(s) to the social problem, create a visual timeline overviewing key moments addressed in the Overview Use visual images to represent each key historical moment on your timeline. Add the solution(s) you proposed to the end of your timeline as possible points for future action.

Your final paper should be typed, 2 – 3 pages double-spaced, with one-inch margins. 


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