Based on your self-assessment, what do you see as your strengths and weaknesses regarding working on a team? Academic Essay

From the assessment and the range for each category.  The assignment is due Wednesday, June 29, 2016 at 1730 (5:30pm).  Please let me know what you think.  Thanks

Complete the “Evaluate Team Member Effectiveness” self-assessment.

Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper in which you address the following:

  • Do you agree with your results?
  • Based on your self-assessment, what do you see as your strengths and weaknesses regarding working on a team?
  • Have you ever engaged in social loafing while on a team? Why or why not?
  • How does working effectively on a team give you an advantage in the workplace?
  • How do groups normally develop?
  • How does the effectiveness of the team members influence the group’s development process?

Format your paper consistent with SPA guidelines.

“Evaluate Team Member Effectiveness” self-assessment

 Contributing to the Team’s Work 

Score : 24 pt.

20 – 25 pt.

Feedback: High contribution

Interacting with Teammates 

Score : 18 pt.

13 – 23 pt.

Feedback: Moderate level of interaction

Keeping the Team on Track 

Score : 25 pt.

20 – 25 pt.

Feedback: Highly skilled at keeping on track

Expecting Quality 

Score : 15 pt.

12 – 15 pt.

Feedback: High quality expectations

Having Relevant Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities (Ks As) 

Score : 10 pt.

8 – 10 pt.

Feedback: Highly relevant knowledge and skills

Feedback score: 

Score : 92 pt.

Range-based Feedback: 

84 – 105 pt.           Feedback: Highly effective team member

Range for each category

Contributing to the Team’s Work

20 – 25 pt.                  FEEDBACK:

High contribution

11 – 19 pt.                  FEEDBACK:

Moderate contribution

0 – 10 pt.                    FEEDBACK:

Low contribution

Interacting with Teammates

24 – 30 pt.                  FEEDBACK:

High level of interaction

13 – 23 pt.                  FEEDBACK:

Moderate level of interaction

0 – 12 pt.                    FEEDBACK:

Low level of interaction

Keeping the Team on Track

20 – 25 pt.                  FEEDBACK:

Highly skilled at keeping on track

11 – 19 pt.                  FEEDBACK:

Moderately skilled at keeping on track

0 – 10 pt.                    FEEDBACK:

Not very skilled at keeping on track

Expecting Quality

12 – 15 pt.                  FEEDBACK:

High quality expectations

7 – 11 pt.                    FEEDBACK:

Moderate quality expectations

0 – 6 pt.                      FEEDBACK:

Low quality expectations

Having Relevant Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities (Ks As)

8 – 10 pt.                    FEEDBACK:

Highly relevant knowledge and skills

5 – 7 pt.                      FEEDBACK:

Moderately relevant knowledge and skills

0 – 4 pt.                      FEEDBACK:

Not particularly relevant knowledge and skills

Range-based feedback: 

0 – 42 pt.                    FEEDBACK:

Less effective team member

43 – 83 pt.                  FEEDBACK:

Moderately effective team member

84 – 105 pt.                FEEDBACK:

Highly effective team member

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