From the Goldsmith & Carter textbook, select either the Bank of America (Chapter 2) or McDonaldâs (Chapter 9) case study for this assignment.
Write a five to seven (5-7) page paper in which you:
Outline the talent management program that led to success for the company.
Identify strengths of the program and how they led to goal accomplishment.
Describe opportunities for improvement in the talent management planning process.
Create at least two (2) more effective approaches to meet the talent management challenges in the future.
Use at least five (5) quality academic resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not quality as academic resources.

Sample Solution
List of chapters List of chapt Bank of America or McDonald’s Case Study ers Rundown of Figures Presentation Current Program Objectives and Strategies Advantages of Carpooling Advantages to the University Advantages to the Individual Advantages to the Environment Hindrances to Carpooling at the Cal State Fullerton General Barriers Basic Barriers Information of Existing Program Absence of Incentives and Disincentives Procedures Help Adaptability and Convenience Motivating forces Exposure and Education Encouraging a Carpooling Community End Reference sections Reference section A: Carpool Application Work Plan References Rundown of Figures Fig 1: Survey Report⦠⦠⦠..7 Fig 2: Survey Report ⦠..⦠⦠⦠..8 Fig 3: Carpool Incetiv Bank of America or McDonald’s Case Study e⦠⦠⦠10 Fig 4: Use Case Diagram⦠⦠⦠13 Fig 5: Schedule Diagram⦠⦠⦠15 Presentation The California State University Fullerton elective transportation projects are viewed as fruitful by numerous similar foundations all through the country. Our noteworthy proportion of seven individuals to each one parking spot is proof of this achievement; most colleges work with a proportion Bank of America or McDonald’s Case Study of three or even two individuals to each one parking spot. All things being equal, a few components of the CSUF elective transportation program are underused. This proposition centers around the Android Carpooling Application, which we feel has the potential for expanded support. The college populace is growing. Stopping housing are troublesome now and face further difficulties later on. As indicated by Department of Transportation (DTP) staff, infringement, objections and forceful conduct are reactions happening all the time by drivers who clash with the stopping impediments. Numerous grounds drivers park in the encompassing neighborhoods, to the shame of inhabitants and the loss of income for DTP. With the development of the grounds populace emerges a requirement for land, for stopping, yet in addition for different types of foundation. There are numerous natural, wellbeing and cultural costs engaged with driving, which can be diminished by expanding the utilization of elective transportation. To diminish the expenses of stopping development and improve the current circumstance, changes are vital. One reaction lies in the college’s proposed development of another stopping deck. This structure and any future augmentations will be expensive to the University in an assortment of ways, especially monetarily. The structure has the likelihood to either combine or add to existing parking spot. On the off chance that the college picks the last choice, the diminished pressure and bother related with discovering stopping may urge some college individuals to drive. Being an enormous organization, any progressions made inside the CSUF have noteworthy repercussions on the encompassing network. On the off chance that a huge stopping structure is developed and the pace of driving increments at the college, at that point the City of Fullerton will be influenced. While our proposals may not make the space of another stopping deck, I might want to p Bank of America or McDonald’s Case Study ropose the upgrade and attention of elective transportation choices as a methods for “making” new parking spots and diminished traffic clog. During winter and spring terms of 2017, the Campus Alternative Transportation and Sustainability group, under the course of the Environmental Studies Program’s Service Learning Program, has been engaged with a battle to advance all types of elective transportation on grounds. The examination and experience we have collected during this time has furnished us with understanding into the mechanics of college transportation and potential developments. This proposition is the climax of our work and gives a technique to upgrading the current carpool program with the objective of expanding its utilization by the grounds network. Current Program As of now, the carpooling program at the Cal State Fullerton has a constrained extension. Barely any individuals buy carpool licenses, which are made Bank of America or McDonald’s Case Study accessible to all personnel, staff and understudies at a limited cost. For the 2016-17 scholarly year, the cost of a carpooling grant was $180, when contrasted with the cost of a standard personnel and staff grant or an understudy grant at $229. In that year, the college had 32 enlisted carpools. Carpools are just accessible to gatherings of three individuals, two of whom must be college subsidiary. Need stopping exists on Nutwood Avenue for carpools that land on grounds before 9:30; in any case, this open door remains underused and obscure to the vast majority of the grounds populace. Actually, it appears that the strategy stays vague even to staff who deal with the stopping stand. Understudy carpool licenses are just substantial in understudy parts, constraining the intrigue of carpooling to understudies. Additionally, as observed over, the distinction between the understudy standard license and carpool grant cost gives minimal motivator to carpooling. The Guaranteed Ride Home program exists to support the utilization of elective transportation by giving a reinforcement ride in crisis circumstances to the individuals who carpool. Be that as it may, the program is accessible exclusively to workforce and staff and is additionally under-broadcasted. As per a 2017 overview of personnel and staff transportation propensities, 66 percent o Bank of America or McDonald’s Case Study f those reviewed feel that they are not very educated about the carpooling program. While the carpooling project can possibly decrease vehicle traffic on grounds, the proposed changes may take into account a superior fit between the program and the necessities of the grounds network. Objectives and Strategies With this proposition, we will probably get under way the change of the current carpool program into an exceptionally used and well known type of elective transportation, practically identical to the present college bicycle and transport programs. Our fundamental goal is to expand the utilization of the carpooling program through improved attention, motivations, comfort and adaptability. In particular, I propose the assistance of carpooling through the establishment of a CSUF-just, Android Carpooling Application that enables individuals to inter Bank of America or McDonald’s Case Study face with carpooling accomplices. Extra adaptability could be achieved through the usage of stopping pass bundles with a scope of choices for the individuals who wish to carpool. The propose Bank of America or McDonald’s Case Study d systems for accomplishing our objectives depend on research directed in the course of recent months. We displayed the goals and techniques on fruitful and creative carpooling programs at different e