Assessing construction faults in residential buildings

Part A (approximately 1000 words)
(50 marks)
You have been appointed the building surveyor for a proposed dwelling addition. The existing dwelling is a brick veneer house with platform flooring (i.e. timber bearers and joist). The builder proposes to use slab on ground footings for the proposed addition. From your knowledge of the area you know that the site is Class M (classified in accordance with AS2870 – Residential slabs and footings).

During the initial site inspection you observe the following:
• A very large healthy looking tree at the rear of the property very close to the dwelling (the tree is not in the way of the addition.)
• Large cracks have formed in a number of locations within the brickwork above the openings of the doors and windows. Some are large enough for you to fit the tip of your index finger.
• The addition will require the removal of a load bearing wall.
• There is a bathroom with a shower adjacent the external wall that is to remain. When you inspect the bathroom you observe a small amount of mould (large enough for you to see) in the bathroom where the skirting tiles meet the architrave beside the door.
• As you inspect the external perimeter you can smell a musty odour just where the shower is located. During an inspection of the subfloor area you observe the subfloor soil is very damp.
• You also observe a pier at a slight angle. From the plans it appears that this pier will be retained after the new addition has been constructed.

Work to be submitted.
You are required to list your answers to the following questions (you may tabulate) – then write a short report in the appropriate format (i.e. introduction, body, conclusion and recommendation) for the property owner.
In your report ensure that you explain:
a. The potential problems associated with two different footing systems for this particular site (include issues such as termite protection).
b. Your recommendations to avoid such potential faults.
c. Identify the faults in the existing building.
d. Possible causes of the faults in the existing building.
e. How the faults can be rectified.
Include sketches (freehand drawings) in your report to assist with your explanation.
Part B
(30 marks)
Question 1 (approximately 500 words)
Research the requirements of the BCA (NCC) Part 3.8.1 Wet Areas and AS3740 Waterproofing of Wet Areas.
Investigate and report on a system of waterproofing of your choosing. Your investigation could include such systems as Wetseal, April Showers, Showerseal etc. Initially you should research relevant proprietary waterproofing systems available in your region.
Select a system that you think is most suitable for the waterproofing of the wet areas, (bathrooms and laundry), of a single storey brick veneer dwelling.

Work to be submitted
Submit a short report of your selected proprietary system, outlining the following:
1. Why it is most suitable for platform floor construction in brick veneer dwellings.
2. Under what circumstances the waterproofing system could potentially fail.
3. What you would look for during an inspection of a waterproofing / wet area installation.
4. Claimed advantages of the system.
5. Detail drawings of wet area installation for this development (i.e. brick veneer) – meaning you adapt the standard manufacturers details to suit this development (i.e. the shower is next to the external wall). Include a section through the shower wall, floor waste and hob. Also include a detail where a hob is not adopted.
6. Enclose proprietary details (brochures) as an ‘appendix’ with your submission.
Question 2 (approximately 500 words)
(20 marks)
The prevalence of backyard salt water pools has created some concern regarding the deterioration of building materials, in particular metal and brick work.
For this activity, your task is to assess the range of issues that affect any brickwork and metal within close proximity to a salt water pool. The issue is probably far more widespread than you may have thought.

Work to be submitted
Submit a written report in the appropriate format (i.e. introduction, body, conclusion and recommendation) detailing the effects that salt water has on both brickwork and metal.

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