As children learn through play, should girls be directed to block lay and boys to home corner to develop skills for later life?
As children learn through play, should girls be directed to block lay and boys to home corner to develop skills for later life?
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Gray (2009) has stated that Play is the self-directed and self-chosen activity of children. As young children playing, they will automatically pick up their roles and skills for later life; the toys they were provided will give them some set of messages to some extent determine which roles and skills they learn. Sometimes the educators subtly encourage the differentiation about gender through their daily program.
Sometimes the adults in the program subtly encourage this kind of gender differentiation. Notice the way the environment is set up. If the dramatic play area is a traditional ?housekeeping? corner with frilly girls? clothes, shoes, and purses, most boys won?t be attracted. If a variety of male or non-gender-specific hats, shoes, ties, and accessories are added, that can help. What helps most of all is adding a little water to the play sink, and maybe some soap suds and sponges.
[ Vivian Paley (1984) deals with this subject at length in her informative, easy-to-read book Boys and Girls: Superheroes in the Doll Corner.]
Block play contributes a good deal to the concrete experience behind math knowledge, and gives the player experiences with principles of physics as well.
[ J. Gonzalez Mena. (2009). Child, Family, and Community: Family-Centered Early Care and Education. Pearson Education Inc.]
Excerpt from Child, Family, and Community: Family-Centered Early Care and Education, by J. Gonzalez-Mena, 2009 edition, p. 230-232.

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