

Write a summary of each article which I will upload as files, there are three articles I need 100 words for each (two references for each article). And 150 words for the final summary like a conclusion.

Using your critical reading skills read all your sources and write a short review of each article.
For each article set out your summary as follows
1) Write out the full Harvard reference for the journal article.
2) Summarise the key points of the article, which are relevant to your research question(s).
3) Discuss what the implications of the findings would be for your research questions.
Finally, conclude with a brief summary of what you think are the most valuable point from the three articles which will help you answer your research question(s). * Write out the full Harvard reference at the top of each of your three reviews. You can also include them in your list of references at the end of your portfolio. Do not use newspaper articles or non-academic websites. Your group may choose the same three articles or different ones, but the analysis must be in your own words.

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