Annotated bibliography

Annotated bibliography

The Annotated Reference List is meant to help you start preparing for the final benchmark paper, which is due in April. For that paper, you will be asked to do the following:

(-Describe how self-efficacy and locus of control influence your own personal behavior and perceptions of the world as well as how they influence society in general.
-Describe how cultural and social differences in others influence your behavior and how you perceive those that are different than you.
-Describe how a medical practitioner’s behavior, perceptions, and reactions to the world can have an impact on the well-being of those they serve for better or for worse.)
The Annotated Reference List should include three scholarly sources that you think might help you write the final paper. These sources can be empirical articles, theoretical articles, or chapters from scholarly books. If you are questioning the legitimacy of a source, please feel free to ask me if it’s scholarly or not.

In the annotated reference list, include an APA style reference of your source, followed by a paragraph that summarizes the article and offers a sentence or two on the credibility of the source and its usefulness for your final paper.

Word count is not a major issue here, but annotations are usually about 250 words long, and usually not longer than that. You can go over 250 if you need to, but try to write more than 150 words for each article.

The articles you read for this assignment can address any of the issues that you’ll write about for the final paper.
You do not need a reference page.

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